03. "what about these?"

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     "Hello Thompson household!" Tom yelled while walking through the front entrance on their home. "Thomas, it's so lovely to see you!" Natalia said grinning from ear to ear walking over to greet Tom. The two hadn't seen each other due to the fact of Tom and Tatiana's increasingly busy lives. Natalia brought the boy into a warm hug. "It always is Mrs. T! So uh, where's Tatiana?"

     There was muffled noises coming from the kitchen area. "She just came down, should be in the kitch-" Natalia said while being cut off by the one and only. "Hi, hey. I'm here!" Tatiana said barging into the entrance area of the home with a face stuffed with food. "Tati, you have no manners what so ever! What happened to all my great parenting?" Natalia asked. "Well mum, went out the window as soon as this one came along." Tatiana said pointing and directing a wink to Tom before swiftly hugging him.

"Hi to you to! In a rush there, darling?" Tom said looking down and smiling at the slightly shorter figure in front of him grabbing what seemed to be, as many shoes as possible. "I'm not but it seems to be your are according to those texts! Or just hella lazy!" Tatiana smiled and grabbed Tom with her one somewhat unoccupied hand. She dragged Tom up the stairs to head to her bedroom.

"What was that? No, Tati! I will not go to your bedroom with you." Tom said quoting a famous line from Tatiana's favourite show. "Shut up, Damon." Tatiana spat back.


"You really need to bring all of that with you? You're there for four days." Tom said judging at the fact she had millions of outfits lying on the ground ready to pack. "Yes I do, that's what they told me! I need four different outfits for each day plus one extra travel outfit. So four different outfits that will be used for interviews, two outfits for panels when I am at the actual convention with you and the Riverdale peeps, four different party outfits and I'm set!" Tatiana said without wasting a breath. "So it adds up, good to know." Tom said trailing off exploring the childhood room he had remembered hanging out in. He noticed it did change a little bit through the years but not a lot from when the two were kids.

Tom wandered over to Tatiana's vanity-dresser. She slowly look up to see what the boy was gonna do next. Tom looked back at the girl and just gave her innocent smile. "Tom, may I ask, what the hell are you doing?" Tom turned around to face her, "Nothing."

Tom turned so he would be facing the dresser again. He had noticed through the mirror, Tatiana went back to counting and organizing all the things she had laid out in front of her. Tom opened the top drawer slowly so she wouldn't hear it. He was hoping to find something juicy, like a diary, but no, just a bra and underwear drawer.

"Tati, what about these?" Tom asked turning around flashing the underwear to her. "Tom!" Tatiana squealed throwing a high heel at him. "Ok, ok I guess that's going in the 'no' pile. Duly noted!" Tom couldn't help but chuckle. Tatiana had went back to packing her things in peace and Tom thought to pull the trick again. "Ok, Tatiana come on! You can't say no to these!" Tom turned flashing, this time, a bra. "What the fuck? Stop going through my stuff." Tatiana said standing up and walking over to him. "I'm assuming you want this back." Tom said flailing the bra around. Tatiana had swiftly tried to get it from his hands but he was too fast for her.

The two started running around the room at this point all because of a stupid bra, only they would be in this situation. Tatiana's mother heard this thumping from downstairs and decided to check up on them. Natalia found Tom on the bed holding a bra with Tatiana straddled on top. "I should be leaving now, shouldn't I?" Natalia asked earning glares from each of them. "It's not what it looks like!" Tatiana said climbing off of the now distracted Tom, taking the bra out of his hands. "Excuses, excuses. That's all I hear!" Natalia said while walking out of the room, down the stairs.

Tatiana looked at the now smirking Tom. "All I wanted was for you to help me pack my things, not pull this shit." Tom was still laying on the bed smirking at her. "Was that not me helping? Thought those were the essentials!" After that remark, Tom was rewarded with an escort out of her room all the way downstairs to the front door. "You may not leave!" Tatiana said sarcastically smiling. "Come on, Tatiana. I was joking! I will actually help you pack now, I promise." Tom said from just outside of the house standing in front of the door frame. "Nope, bye now!" Tatiana said while slamming the door in his face.

Tatiana made her way back to the stairs but got interrupted by her mother. "You know Tati, that boy likes you!" Tatiana looked at her mother in disgust. "Ha! You're very funny mother. I better get back to packing!" Tatiana said yelling while going up the stairs. "You just don't want to admit it! That means you like him too!" Natalia yelled from downstairs. "La la la la la!" Tatiana yelled hoping she could block out what her mother was saying.

What if mum's right? What if Tom actually likes me, and I like him back? No, nope! Not happening, never happening!


Tom [tommy boi]
Tatiana [tati]

tommy boi
Could you help me pack or did I blow that deal?

You blew it.

tommy boi

tommy boiDammit

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love, emily.

𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now