White Hair and Black Roses

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It has been a week and a half since the first day I had joined the one and only host club. The ball incident has passed. I had gotten an excessive amount of requests every day. As bothersome as it was in the beginning, it was quite... Enjoyable? As per say. Especially with toying the host club members. But that is a story for another time.

There has been many cases of the girls and occasional guys fainting, giving me the opportunity to spend time with the other hosts. The twins were enjoyable when they weren't expressing some form of incest, which is somehow normal here. The mischief was what I enjoyed most from them, you may never know when it all can come in handy.

Honey and Mori was a different story though. With them I'm able to relax and enjoy foods or other words a grand variety of sweets. Along with my favorite kind of tea; Lavender, earl grey milk tea. Honey was much like the sun at the table, always happy and excited for everything. In all honesty I find him quite enjoyable. Mori in the other hand was of course, more reserved. I usually sit by him, since Honey was usually spending time with the guests. Though there were many occasions when I would lean on Mori with my feet on top of the couch, due to exhaustion from the day. That somehow brings a hue of color to cross his face. Which ends up with Honey jumping on top of me and falling asleep. The girls go absolutely mental when it happens. Especially that one time I had to wake up Honey, to tell him I must go back to my place.


I felt many eyes on me when I claimed to wake up Honey. All the hosts starred at me in horror when I said so. Giving no mind though I looked down at Honey, whom had rested his head on my chest. Mori in the other hand was prepared to face Honey when he woke up. It's as if he would let out total hell. Though, to be honest I would too, if  I had to wake up to the face of Tamaki. I gently started to comb my fingers through his hair and rubbed small circles on his back. He groaned while shifting, allowing me to see his face. I could tell he was starting to wake. So, I ruffled his hair slightly and gave him a small hug with my other hand that was still positioned on his back.

"Honey, I need you to wake up, I must go back to my spot. Please?" I gave him the most kindest voice I could muster that still seemed masculine. I continued to mess with his hair, until he started to stir more. When he finally woke up, he sat on me while rubbing his eyes. His face was completely matching his feelings. As if he just woke up right in the morning. He let out a little yawn. When he was done trying to get fully awake, everyone was in awe and some of the girls squealed. Immediately, before the squealing could reach its max, I covered his ears out of instinct. I looked around the room and observed every face in the room, more specifically Tamaki. I gave him a smirk and sat up correctly with Honey now straddling me on my lap while giving me a hug. When the squealing stopped and everything hushed down, I settled my hands to the back of his head and the middle of his back.

"When waking someone up whom despises being abruptly awakened, you cannot make a lot of noise, because it is proven to awake anyone in a horrid mood. You cannot also just storm into awakening someone as well, you must allow them to stir a little before actually trying to awake them fully, before you are greeted with the worst form of mood the person can muster. So Honey, how did you sleep?" Right after I asked him the question, he looked up at me with the biggest eyes I have ever seen. He had a small but great full smile.

"I slept very well, thank you Zen~chan." I gave him a nod, as he gave me a greater smile. I gave him a small one before picking him up and gently placed him sitting on the couch and walking away.

"Zen~chan, where are you going?"

"You'll see in a little bit Honey." I went into the kitchen and prepared him a fresh slice of his favorite cake and a perfectly warmed British breakfast tea.

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