New Home and Family

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Y/N = your name
L/N = last name
H/L = hair length
H/C = hair color
E/C = eye color
S/C = skin color
E/N = enemy name

Name key:
Finland = Tino Väinämöinen
Sweden = Berwald Oxenstierna
Iceland = Emil Steilsson
Norway =  Lukas Bondevik
Denmark = Mathias Køhler
Tino's POV
We've interviewed a lot of girls, but none of them really seemed special to me. Then, Denmark spoke up, "I can't believe we already interviewed 19 girls, but none of them seemed interested in being our baby sister! All they seem to care about is getting out of this place," he frowned, crossing his arms. "Seriously, I want a little sister who is actually willing to spend time with me! Not some girl who just wants to get out of the orphanage!" Denmark huffed.

"For once, I agree with Mathias," Iceland said, looking up from the desk, but I shook my head, "We shouldn't give up hope now, we might find her soon!" I smiled, hoping to lighten up the mood. Sweden suddenly interrupted, "But what if we don't?" he glared. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to answer, but Norway finally spoke up, "I have a feeling that this last girl is the one...." Denmark suddenly said, "Is it because of your magic?" he teased. Soon enough, Norway was behind him choking Denmark with his tie while saying, "You stupid Dane,".

While that was happening, a young girl who had h/l, h/c hair, bright e/c, and s/c colored skin entered the room. She looked at Denmark and Norway arguing and looked terrified, but Sweden quickly got up and separated the two. "Sorry about them, they argue a lot," I chuckled nervously, and she nodded her head. "It's okay," the girl mumbled in a nervous tone.

Iceland walked up to the girl and brought her to the chair he was sitting on. She sat down, and he just stood beside her. She nervously smiled at everyone and everyone -except for Norway and I- just glared at her. Norway got annoyed at the others and hit everyone -except for Sweden and me- on the head, "Stop starring at the poor girl," he said, with no emotion.

We stopped our glaring as we started to asked her questions. "So, what's your name, and how old are you?" I asked first. She fidgeted with her hair, "My name is Y/n L/n, and I'm 14 years old...." she relaxed a bit. Denmark suddenly shouted, "I'm Mathias Køhler! The king of Nordic Europ-!!". Before Mathias could continue, Norway started choking him again.

Iceland sighed, "We're so sorry," he ruffled his hair a bit, "I'm Emil Steilsson,". I tried to stop Norway from killing Denmark, and Sweden introduced himself and I, "My name is Berwald Oxenstierna, and that over there is m'wife, Tino Väinämöinen," he stated, standing behind me.

Norway finally stopped choking Denmark and turned to Y/n, "My name is Lukas Bondevik, but you can call me "Big Brother",". She nodded her head, and we kept asking her questions. As we asked her questions, I felt like something about her made her stand out from the rest of the girls. I don't know if it was how she acted of if it was how she talked to us, but she really felt like family to me. Norway looked at me, and he seemed to feel the same way as me.

Suddenly, Mistress Welter walked in. "Sorry to ruin the fun, but I believe your 20 minutes with the child is over. I hope you managed to ask all of your questions," she said as she made Y/n exit the room. We waved a goodbye, and she waved back. She left the room, and Mistress Welter looked at us with a smile, "So, have you all decided who to adopt, or should we give you some more time to decide?"

Norway spoke up for all of us, "We need some more time, just give us about 10 minutes, and we'll be ready to choose by then," he said, nonchalantly. The mistress nodded and left the room. I turned to everyone, and they looked back at me. "So, who are we gonna pick?" I asked, crossing my arms. "I liked Y/n better,"  Norway stayed and Iceland agreed, but Denmark shook his head, "I liked Marigold better! She fun and sweet, and not to mention, she has a lot of energy! She's just like m-!!". Once again, Norway was choking him.

Norway's eye expressed annoyance, "There's only enough room for one Denmark, and you're already too much to handle," he hissed. I clapped my hands together, "What do you think, Su-San?" I turned to the large man. He turned to me, "I'm okay with Y/n, but Alina and E/n are both good too," he stated. I nodded my head, and looked at the others. They all looked back at me again, and we all agreed on one girl; Y/n L/n.

Y/n's POV
I sat with my friends nervously, and they just talked. "So how do you think you did?" Marigold asked Alina, "Meh, pretty well. What about you?" Alina asked her back, "I feel super confident that I'll get adopted! I mean, me and Mister Køhler got along really well!!" she said, arrogantly. Alina turned to me, "What about you Y/n?" I turned my head to them, and they were looking at me.

I smiled at turned to them, "It went okay, but I think I messed up a bit here and there," I said, looking down at my feet. I honestly don't think they would adopt me. I mean, I'm not as perfect or as smart as Alina, as energetic and as fun as Marigold, or as pretty and/or as popular as E/n; I'm just average. I have no special talent or interesting feature, I'm just me. Soon Mistress Welter called for me, "Y/n L/n, may you please come to the interviewing room," she said, her head peeking out of the door.

I looked at my friends; Alina looked at me with excitement and hope, but Marigold gave me an unreadable look. I stood up and walked over to the room, but I could feel Marigold's glare burning my back. I entered the room and saw the 5 men. They smiled at me. "Y/n, we've decided that you're the girl we want to adopt!" Mister Väinämöinen clapped his hands together as smiled at me. My mouth widened in shock and happiness.

"R-Really!?" I hugged them tightly, and they all hugged back. I let them all go, thanking them, and I smiled brightly as I continued squealing in joy. Mistress Welter walked into the room and gave them a sheet of paper, "All I need now is for all of you to sign this document, and then, Y/n is free to go with you as her new family!" she grinned. They sighed and told me to get all of my clothes and items. I nodded and quickly raced to my room.

I entered my room happily, but I only saw Alina when I entered. "Hey, Ali, where's Mari?" I asked as I grabbed my suitcase and started stuffing my clothes. Alina looked at me with a sad smile, "She's just mad cuz she didn't get picked, but she'll be fine," she walked up to me and hugged me tightly, "I'm gonna miss you so much!!!" She groaned happily. We giggled a bit before she let me go, "Promise you'll never forget about me, okay?" Alina held out her pinky. I nodded and locked out pinkies together, "Promise,".

We hugged once more, and I exited the room. I walked over to the entrance and saw my new family waiting for me. "Ready to go, lillesøster?" Mister Køhler asked me. I nodded my head yes and said, "Yes, Miste-" "Please, you can just call us by our first names! We are family after all," Tino said, smiling. "You can call me "Big Brother", Y/n" Lukas stated. I nodded my head, "Okay, big brother!" Lukas showed a little smile, "You should follow her example, Emil," he teased, looking at Emil. "Whatever,"

This is the beginning of my journey with my new family, and hopefully, I'll be able to handle what's in store for me.

A Family with Issues [Nordics x Child!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now