Epic Rap Battles of Nordics [1]

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This chapter contains swearing!!!

Y/N = your name
F/C = favorite color
H/C = hair color

Name key:
Finland = Tino Väinämöinen/Isä
Sweden = Berwald Oxenstierna/Äldste
Iceland = Emil Steilsson/Emi
Norway = Lukas Bondevik/Big Brother
Denmark = Mathias Køhler
Sealand = Peter Kirkland
Y/n's POV
My eyes fluttered open, and I stepped out of my f/c bed. I stretched my back, combed my h/c hair, and brushed my teeth. I was about to take a morning shower, but Äldste barged into my room with Peter on his back and grabbed me. He then rushed into our food storage, placed Peter and I down, and peeled out the door. I looked behind me, and I saw Emi and Mathias in here. Mathias looked over at Äldste, "Berwald, why are we in here?" he sighed, putting his arm on Emi's head.

Äldste looked outside once more before looking at us with panic. He gulped, "We're... we're...." he tried to find his words. Emi sighed, "Spit it out," he rolled his eyes, shoving Mathias's arm off of his head. Äldste locked the door quickly, "We're our of coffee," he put his back against the door. Everyone in the room went silent; Mathias's jaw was dropped, Emi looked terrified and about to wet his pants, Peter hid behind me and stated to shake, I looked confused, and Äldste was pushing himself against the door harder.

Soon, crashing sounds and shouting could be heard outside the door. "Paskiainen!!! Missä on kahvia!? [1]" a voice yelled, and it sounded like Isä. "Mathias, hvor er du!? Hvor satte du kaffen!![2]" I was guessing that that was Big brother. Mathias's face paled, "W-Why don't, we wait until it's noon? I'm certain that they'll kill us once we step out of the room...." he gulped as he hugged Peter and I close. "Well, what are we gonna do now? We need something to do for a mean time...." Peter tilted his head, trying to get air.

I shrugged, also trying to get air, "I guess we could just play some c-card games," I said, pulling out a stack of cards from the back of the pantry. Everyone nodded and sat down, and we all decided to play B. S.

~Time skip~

It's a good Mathias had a watch, or else we've been in there for 4 hours. Isä and Big brother calmed down, and we got ready for lunch. "Sorry about me losing me temper earlier, rakas, I didn't mean to scare you and the kids~" Isä said, hugging and kissing Äldste, and Äldste just blushed and continued cooking. Mathias fidgeted while he sat beside Big brother, "S-So, lovely evening, huh?" Mathias nervously chuckled, but Big brother rolled his eyes, "Whatever, you stupid Dane,"

Suddenly, Peter ran down the stairs, "Everyone, I just had a brilliant idea! Since there is so much tension and awkwardness, why don't we resolve it with some simple act of "roasting"! What do you think?" he jumped up and down. We all looked at him, "What do you mean by that, poika?" Isä asked him, and everyone - including me - nodded their head in agreement. Peter smirked, "It's called a rap battle! I'm giving all of you after lunch and before 7:30 to think of all of your roasts and raps!" he clapped his hands together.

We all nodded and Äldste finished cooking, and We started to eat our lunch.

Sorry this was a short chapter, but this is just something to get you hyped up for the next chapter~! Just be patient, and hold on tight. The next chapter is gonna be -hopefully- the best chapter!!

[1] "Son of a bitch! Where can I find the coffee!?" [Finnish]

[2] "Mathias, where are you!? Where did you put the coffee!!" [Norwegian]

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