Having a Baby Brother

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Y/N = your name
F/C = favorite color

Name key:
Finland = Tino Väinämöinen/Isä
Sweden = Berwald Oxenstierna/Äldste
Iceland = Emil Steilsson
Norway =  Lukas Bondevik/Big Brother
Denmark = Mathias Køhler
Sealand = Peter Kirkland
Y/n's POV
I slowly opened my eyes to see a new environment. A big room with beautiful f/c walls with white and black accents decorating it. I saw a big 70 inch flat screen tv on top of a small fire place in front of me and a white sofa at the end of my bed. My bed was queen sized with soft silky f/c sheets, and the pillows were the softest I have ever laid on.

I sat up, confused, but my confusion was soon replaced with joy and excitement. I was adopted by 5 kind men 2 days ago, and I found out that they were extremely rich. I was so shocked at I nearly fainted. I squealed as I jumped on the bed, and I tried to silently celebrate my adoption. My door suddenly bursted open and a kid younger than me joined in my jumping.

The kid I was jumping with was Peter, and he was the adopted son of Berwald and Tino. He was like my baby brother, and I'm happy that he sees me as a big sister.


I sat in the back with Mathias, Emil, and Tino -who said to call him Isä. I sat on Emil's lap because the back seat could only fit 3 people, but he seemed okay with it. Mathias and I were playing "I-spy", and it was okay so far until Mathias joked, "I spy with my little eye a grumpy Norwegian~!" he laughed, and the car went silent. I could sense the anger and annoyance radiating off of Big Brother, and he spoke up, "Berwald, can you pull over?" his eye twitched.

Berwald -who asked me to call him Äldste- glanced at Big Brother, but he quickly turned his attention back to the road, "Just 7 more minuets and we're home, then you can strangle him as much as you want," Äldste told him. Big Brother let out a small growl of annoyance, quietly, but he sat back, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes, he said, "Okay, fine. You're save for now, Dane,", and the ride continued.

After 2 minutes, Isä suddenly spoke, "Y/n! I just remembered! You're going to have a baby brother!" he smiled brightly, and he looked at me with excited eyes. "His name is Peter, and he's 12 years old! He's from Sealand, and Berwald and I adopted him 10 years ago! You'll love him, I can promise you," he hugged me. I'm gonna have a baby brother? I've never had a sibling before....

We arrived at their house, and it was a gigantic mansion. It was dark blue with pearl white pillars and gold accents, but the thing that captured my attention was a big pole with 5 big flags on it and a smaller one below all of them. Mathias smiled and pointed at the very top one, "The red one with the white cross is the Danish flag, the blue one with the yellow cross is the Swedish flag, the red one with the white and blue cross is the Norwegian flag, the one that has the opposite of the Norwegian flag is the Icelandic flag, and then, the white flag that has the blue cross is the Finnish flag!"

He finished speaking, and Äldste parked the car in a big parking area and stopped the engine. We all exited the car, and I pointed to the final flag, "And what flag is that?" I asked, tilting my head. Before Mathias could answer, Big Brother tackled him to the ground and started pulling on his tie, "You stupid Dane, you should've said that....". Isä walked up behind me and smiled, "That flag belongs to the country of-" "SEALAND!!!" a young, high pitched British voice spoke up.

I looked over to where the voice, and I saw a boy smaller than me, who had short choppy, blonde hair, bright baby blue eyes, a white and blue sailor outfit with a matching hat, and slightly thick eyebrows. He stopped skipping towards us and looked at me and the others, and his lips curled into a giant grin as he tackled me to the ground, "Are you my new big sister!?" he asked, shaking me slightly. Isä put a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Now, now, Peter, no need to kill your new sibling, she just got here!" Isä joked.

The boy got off me and extended his hand to help me up. I accept, and he pulled me up with him. "I can't believe I have an older sister now! Now I have someone to protect me from that British jerk!" he cheered. "I'm Peter Kirkland, but you can call me your baby brother!" he said, sticking out his tongue and winking. I giggled at his silliness and he joined me in my laughter.


It's been 2 days since that happened. "Why are we jumping on the bed?" Peter asked, falling down on the bed. We stopped jumping on my bed and laid down panting, "I'm just happy I have a new family!" I grinned from ear to ear. Peter sat up, "I'm just glad to finally have a sibling of my own! I've been asking Äldste and Isä for a sibling since I was 7!" he hugged me, and I hugged him back.

Soon, my door was quietly opened, and Äldste peeked inside. "It's time for breakfast you two," he said, in his usual monotone voice. Peter and I nodded, and Äldste closed the door. I smirked at Peter, and he read my mind. "You're one!" Peter smirked, and we stood up. We got into position as we counted. "1,2,3!!! GO!!!" I shouted as we dashed towards the kitchen.

Now this is something I could definitely get use to, and I happy to have Peter Kirkland as a baby brother!!

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