Sudden trouble

569 22 13

This chapter contains swearing!!!

Y/N = your name
F/C = favorite color
H/C = hair color

Name key:
Finland = Tino Väinämöinen/Isä
Sweden = Berwald Oxenstierna/Äldste
Iceland = Emil Steilsson/Emi
Norway = Lukas Bondevik/Big Brother
Denmark = Mathias Køhler
Sealand = Peter Kirkland
Y/n's POV
I don't know what happened... All I remember is getting dressed, meeting with Peter, going to a pool, and now we're here. Peter and I were surrounded by 3 older boys; one of them – the leader – looks like he was about 17 years old. The boy had reddish brown hair, sun kiss colored skin, crimson/blood colored eyes, and black swimming trunks with a towel around his neck. The other one looked about the same age as the leader and had the same colored hair as the first, slightly tanner skin, magenta-pink eyes, and dark purple swimming trunks. Finally, there was a boy that had strawberry blonde-white hair, pale white skin, maroon red eyes, and white sleeveless with red trunks.

"Looky what we have here boys," the second boy smirked, looking at us. "Wow, new toys! Can't wait to play with them," the leader licked his lips, but the paler one held out his hand, "Don't get too excited, kusipää," he scoffed, crossing his arms. The leader looked at the paler and looked back at us, "I have no idea what the fuck you just said, but I don't give a damn," he rolled his eyes. "You know, this is the reason I work alone you, stronzi," the other said, scoffing. "Whatever! Let's just have some fun with these kids!" the leader whined, yanking on Peter's hand.

My sister instinct kicked in, and I slapped the leader's hand and grabbed Peter, "Don't touch my brother!!" I growled at them, hugging Peter close. The leader looked at his hand and 'tsh'ed, "You're really gonna get it now, brat!" he spat as he grabbed a fist full of my h/c hair. I tried to squirm out of his grasp. "Let my sister go, you bully!!!" Peter whined and tried to punch the boy holding me, but the pale boy came in and took a hold of Peter. "No!! No!! Let me go!! Bullies!! Stop it!!" he thrashed and thrashed, but none of his efforts succeeded.

Suddenly, a familiar loud, danish voice came from the corner. "I think I heard Peter's screams!" Mathias cried, looking over to where we were. He approached the corner where the older boys held us, and he looked and saw us. He froze and looked at them wide eyed, but an aura started to form around him; it was dark, menacing, and cold. He gritted his teeth slightly and balled his fist. Then, Isä and Äldste appeared behind him, "Did you find the-" Isä's sentence was cut short as he saw what state Peter and I were in.

The position they caught us in wasn't pleasant; the pale boy was holding Peter in a lock while the other boy was holding a pocket knife to his chest. Peter had tears in his eyes and the look of fear and panic. I was pinned against a wall by the leader and he had a pocket knife to my neck. I was trying not to cry and some blood started trickling down my neck for my small cut. Soon, Big brother and Emi were standing with Isä, Äldste, and Mathias, and all of them did not look happy.

"What is the meaning of this?" Isä asked in a quiet and unsettling voice, "What are you doing to my kids?" Isä suddenly pulled out a sniper rifle from his gym bag. Emi held out his arm and a huge puffin landed on it, he pet it, "Mr. Puffin, I think we need to teach these goons not to mess with us," he glared. Big brother's hands started to spark with light, like magic, and Mathias and Äldste both had some sort of weapon with them. Big brother smirked at the attackers and said, "You know, we don't usually attack others, but this... this is where you crossed that line," his eyes glowed.

All of their facial expression were terrifying and twisted. Big brother blasted the one holding Peter, and the boy fell back, dragging Peter with him to the ground. Äldste and Mathias started to attack the boy with magenta eyes, but the boy dodged their attacks. Emi's bird started trying to peck the pale boy's eyes out, and Big brother continued to use magic(?) against the magenta eyed boy. Äldste got on one knee and held his cupped hands out near his foot, and Isä ran towards him, his both of his feet stepping in Äldste's hand.

Äldste pushed Isä up without a problem, like you would a cheerleader doing a flip. Isä aimed his sniper rifle, and with only one bullet, he stopped the guy who was pinning me. The guy fell to the ground with a thud, but he wasn't dead, more like he was unconscious from the bullet going through his left shoulder. Isä landed and everyone stopped; the bullies looked at my family in fear, and my family looked at them with twisted smiles. Isä cleared his throat, "Now...." he darkly smiled, "Scram before you end up like him, and stay away from my children," he said, venom laced in his voice.

The boys looked at their leader in horror and ran away from us, and Isä turned to Äldste, "Ber, honey, may you please bring the boy to the clinic? If they asked what happened you know what to tell them~" he said, kissing Äldste, and Äldste nodded, picking up the bully's unconscious body. Mathias decided to got with him, and he helped carry the body. Emi's bird got on Emi's left shoulder and just sat there, and Big brother help clean the blood and mess they've made, with magic.

Isä approached us, hugging us tightly, "Are you two okay!? How badly did they hurt you!? Why didn't you call for help!?" he kept asking us questions, but Äldste soon came back and put a hand on Isä shoulder, "M'wife, I think that they're still in shock from what happened," he calmly stated. Isä took a deep breath and slightly calmed down. "I think it's best if we went home...." Isä sighed, standing up. Everyone agreed and we gathered our stuff, and we exited the park, got into the car, and went home.

Today was eventful.....

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