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Looking for tall, attractive male

Mostly just for cuddles and being cute

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to be rude

I've seen about a kazillion of you a day

But none of you seem to see me, and I know I'm short

But c'mon. I think I'm adorable.

Well, adorable in the sense that I can be that

Sometimes I think you see me, glimpse for a moment

The turn away because what you see isn't adorable

It's monstrous and vile, opinionated and self expressive

Perhaps I'm just not your type, not anyone's type

Because who could love a woman?

I don't have huge teeth or extra toes or a boil or hope

I'm not a monster, you see, I'm just me

A girl with a dream wrapped up so well in insecurities

It's hard to know what a dream is

(16 November 2015)

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