8 - Art

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Mick would get about 10 calls a day from Ohm. Sometimes, Noh would take Mick out to drink with his buddies. Mick was learning to re-live the city life and he didn't miss anything about his former life. Noh was impressed at Mick's social skills, which was far better than he remembered back from his high school days. 

'Mick, do you still play the horn?' Noh asked one day out of the blues.

'No, I was teaching piano for a while. I haven't really touched the horn in a long time. Maybe I will ask Ohm to give me a refresher course when he gets time to visit next time,' said a hopeful Mick.

Mick enjoyed his evening sojourns with Noh who took him everywhere and Mick got to meet some really talented folks that played underground. He learnt a lot about them and how they managed to make ends meet. During the day, he would apply to nearby schools and music institutes for a job as a piano instructor. His former experience and easy going personality landed him one and he couldn't wait to get started. It only took four hours of his day for 6 days a week. He had the rest of the day to network, make friends, help with house chores and reply to Ohm's texts. 

Mick loved the life in the suburbs and he started looking for a small apartment in the same vicinity with Phun's and Noh's help. Pink offered to rent out their rooftop pad which had a spacious bedroom and a kitchen at a reasonable rent. Mick moved in and waited to surprise Ohm during the weekend. Mick texted Ohm on the weekend to meet him at a certain address that Ohm didn't recognize. 

Saturday morning, Mick was on his way to the grocery store when he bumped into Pink's brother who was on his way out for a jog.

'Hi! My name is Art. I am Pink's brother,' he introduced himself when he saw Mick coming down the stairs. 'I was told we have a new tenant on the rooftoop - you must be Mick.'

'Yeah, I am your new tenant. Nice to meet you Art. I was just on my way to the mart to get few things. We will catch up once I am back,' with that he ended their brief introduction and sped out the gate.

Why did I run? Why was my heart beating crazy? Did I look crazy just now? Mick was alarmed by his own reaction. That guy looked good. Smelled better... He stopped his crazy train of thought right there and wondered what had gotten into him? He busied himself - grocery shopping to cooking and then adding the finishing touch to the new pad with some fresh flowers by the window. The phone rang and Mick bounced his way down the stairs to receive Ohm who stood there with cap and a black mask over his mouth. He took Ohm's hand and dragged him away before Ohm could react. Once on the rooftop, Mick took off Ohm's cap and the mask, kissed him slowly and passionately without a care in the world. Ohm was beginning to enjoy the privacy of the rooftop, when the door swung open to the rooftop and Art popped his head out. Both Mick and Ohm nearly jumped out of their skin at the sudden intrusion. 

'Sorry Mick,' smiled Art. 'I didn't mean to scare you guys. He then came out in full view and shook Ohm's hands. 'Hey, you're Ohm from the Nohm. Wow, who'd think I'd have Ohm here at my humble rooftop. I am Art, Pink's brother.' Ohm who was standing in daze did a quick dot connection and finally managed a friendly smile. As long as this guy keeps his mouth sealed, I wouldn't have to worry, thought Ohm. 

Mick brought out coffee and the three of them spent sometime getting to know each other. Art's boyfriend was out of the country and so he came to spend sometime with his sister who owned that little condo with her husband. Art was a tattoo specialist and his studio was on the other side of the town. He was ruggedly handsome with a great body to go with that face. He loved being around his sister who pampered him whenever he visited her. He left the lovebirds after a while as he knew they'd want the entire rooftop to themselves for their own personal business. It made him miss his boyfriend. 

Mick showed off his new place and with a steady teacher's income, he had moderately done up his home. It was a bachelor's pad without the excess - with a faint feminist touch. Ohm didn't mind but he wished Mick had first discussed with him before. Ohm already had a place in mind, which was bigger and he was already scouting for furniture and appliances to fill it up. He was in touch with the real estate agent. Mick had surprised him first. He had to take a step back and let Mick have his way this time. 

They ordered in food and while they ate, Ohm began discussing their future. Ohm wanted to be a free bird like Noh. Mick squeezed his hand and said, 'you're free to dream and take on those dreams Ohm. I can't imagine anyone stopping you. I will be supporting you all the way.' Ohm had to leave a little early as they had a rehearsal for a concert the next day. They kissed each other goodbye and Mick stood on the terrace looking at Ohm's car drive off into the sunset. He blinked a teardrop away because loneliness set in and the scent of Ohm still hung about him. He was just about to get back inside when Art came back on the rooftop. Art had two bottles of beer in hand and handed one to Mick. Mick smiled and took a swig. They sat outside in silence for a while. Art respected that silence because he knew what Mick was going through. He had felt that same pain every time his boyfriend drove off. He had to deal with an empty apartment, the echo of a dull heartbeat and the unbearable loneliness. So he was happy to give Mick company, even if it meant in silence. 

'Its tough huh? Celebrity boyfriend,' Art started.

'No, its not so bad. I've gotten used to it. At least we're in the same city and I get to see him on weekends.'

'Hahahahaa.. stop fooling yourself Mick. Who do you take me for? I have a boyfriend too, the one who is traveling most of the time and I know what you're going through, so just be honest here!'

Mick got more beer out from the house and they drank on the rooftop to drown all symptoms of loneliness. They numbed their pain and said goodbye to their senses. Before long, Art and Mick found themselves tearing each other's clothes apart. Mick couldn't control his urges and Art's exploring hands didn't stop themselves. They lay spent. Mick curled into a ball and fell asleep on one side. Art moved himself to the edge of the bed and lay dazed. It all happened so fast. The knock on the door brought them out of their stupor. Art quickly donned his clothes while Mick straightened out the mess on the bed while calling out 'Who is it?'

It's me Pink. Mick, is Art in there?

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