Chapter 75

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Chapter Seventy-Five

News of the emperor's collapse spread across the imperial city.

At Pei Jin's manor Pei Xiao Niao was crying for his mother but his mother was napping.

Pei Jin picked up Pei Xiao Niao from the cot and played with him on a chair.

It was a sunny day and the chubby Pei Xiao Niao wore thin pink clothes.

Pei Jin happily held the chubby Pei Xiao Niao in one arm and teased Pei Xiao Niao with a small soft colourful cuju ball with his free hand.

Pei Xiao Niao's round eyes brightened and followed the cuju ball's movements. His raised his short arms in the air but his father didn't give him the cuju ball.

Pei Jin moved the cuju ball close to his son. Each time his son was about to grab the cuju ball, he moved the cuju ball away. He smiled while he teased his son but his son's lips pouted and his son cried loudly.

Pei Jin coaxed his son who loved to cry because he didn't want to disturb Yan Shi Ning's nap.

'Ninth prince, Huang Guo is here to see you,' a servant said.

'I understand,' Pei Jin said.

Pei Jin looked at his son who stopped crying. His son had grabbed the cuju ball while he was distracted. He smiled at his son who was happily playing with the cuju ball.

Pei Jin saw his son was about to eat the cuju ball and gently pulled the cuju ball away from his son's mouth.

'Son, why are you a glutton like your mother?' Pei Jin asked.

Pei Xiao Niao was about to cry because his father stole his food but his father stood and hugged him tightly. He looked over his father's shoulder and saw a stranger.

'Ninth prince, your son is handsome,' Huang Guo praised.

'Elder is too kind,' Pei Jin said. 'My son isn't handsome.'

Pei Jin thought his son was ugly when his son was a wrinkled one month boy. But after raising his son for two months, his son was growing more handsome by the day.

'Indeed he has a majestic aura,' Huang Guo praised.

Pei Jin smiled and gestured for Huang Guo to sit.

Pei Jin sat down on a chair. He hugged his son and bounced his son on his knees.

Pei Xiao Niao happily sucked the soft round bun his father gave him and he looked at the stranger in front of him.

'I came to discuss something with ninth prince,' Huang Guo said.

'Elder's face looks serious,' Pei Jin said. 'It must be important.'

'Something serious happened,' Huang Guo said.

'What?' Pei Jin asked.

'The emperor wrote an edict,' Huang Guo said. 'Congratulations ninth prince, the emperor chose you to be the crown prince.'

Pei Jin didn't expect his father would choose him to be the crown prince.

Pei Jin and Yan Shi Ning's happy reunion was interrupted by the news of his father's collapse. He heard the rumor about his father only had a few days to left so he sent his guards to the palace to investigate but didn't find anything unusual. He and Yan Shi Ning could only patiently wait at home.

Huang Guo's news made Pei Jin's heart jump chaotically but he maintained his calm appearance.

'We should seize this opportunity,' Huang Guo said.

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