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Its was a summer dusk when I first approached Elon musk. His face was MUSKY as FUCK. And my own moist cavern became progressively more moist as I moved towards this elusive man and his features could be viewed in more detail. My clit quivered. "E-e-Elon senpaiiii uwu" I nyaned "I-i 'm booty chan desu ne"
Elon saw me and his features sharpened
"What do you want you little fat cunt" he hissed.
My nervousness heightened at his hostile response. Hesitantly, I replied "I-I want to explore your cavern mr musk senpai?? Nyaaaa"
Elon lowered himself to my height and made intimidating direct eye contact. "I couldn't hear you cuntface. What is it you want?"
At this point my rage and horniness reached an explosive level and my lust and anger burst into flames. "I WANT TO EAT YOUR ANUS MATE" I roared.
Elon burst into tears. "My anus?"
I nodded.
"Ok daddy I'll let you munch on my booty hole" Elon weeped.
I grasped his clammy hand and we waddled into the sunset to begin to SPELUNK

Anus: The MuskeningWhere stories live. Discover now