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"Seriously, Mathias I can do it myself." I grumble, taking my shoes from him. He frowns as I struggle to shove my feet in without bending over to help myself.

"Just let me help you." He says, not waiting for a response as he ducks down. Soon enough he's slid a finger under my heel to straighten the back of my shoe for me.

I brush my hair out of my face. "Thank you."

"Welcome." He replies, offering me a hand. I take it and he pulls me up to my feet. "I was thinking we'd go see Tate, since we're here."


It's amazing watching Mathias interact with Tate. He turns into a completely different person, almost reminding me of a puppy. When he's around Tate he has this type of energy that is contagious and soon enough I'm smiling along with Tate as Mathias enthusiastically talks about his conspiracy theories on Harry Potter.

As he talks, my eyes wander to the window behind him. Outside the forest rests peacefully, undisturbed by our little settlement. My people don't believe in disturbing mother nature, and if we absolutely had to, it was only trees we could make use of or relocate. I stare at the gray skies and trees of many green hues, marvelling at the beauty and how I never noticed it before.

As I look out the window, Mathias' reflection slowly morphs into Sier, staring at me. She looks almost real and appears to be laughing at me. Her blue hair floats around her as if she's underwater and she's so clear in the window, I almost think she's out there on the ledge until Mathias moves and she disappears.

My heart pounds in my chest as I remember her there during my attack. The way they had a "job" to do and how it obviously involved bringing me harm in some way or another. I inhale sharply and exhale, calming the pounding in my chest. This causes Mathias to look at me, raising an eyebrow. I shake my head and turn my attention to Tate.

"How are things going around here?" 

"Well, same shit, different day, like I always say." Tate responds and Mathias chokes on the water he was sipping. I let a laugh bubble up until we're all snorting and carrying on at his statement. He then goes on to tell us about the service dog they bring in to comfort him during his treatments. 

He tells us about the dog he had before he got sick and we share ridiculous stories about our childhood pets. Mathias told us about how when he was little he thought a possum was a cat and brought it home to his mom. She nearly fainted, yet neither of his parents had to the heart to tell him it wasn't a cat. He named it Scrat and it lived a long life. Tate found the fact that Mathias didn't know what a cat was hilarious and teased him mercilessly until we had to leave. 


"Would you like to uh..." Mathias rubs the back of his neck, turning to me as we exit the hospital. He looks at me, with a sigh and shoves his hands in his pockets. I raise an eyebrow at him waiting for him to go on. 

"Would you like to go out on a date with me?" He asks finally, taking the keys from the valet who brought us the car. I watch as Mathias slips him a 50 and opens my door.

A date? With Mathias? He's actually asking me on a date. I smile to myself as he jogs around the car to get in on the drivers side. Once he's sat down and strapped in he looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I simply nod, unable to process words due to the sea of butterflies in my stomach. He gives me a cheeky grin, somehow managing to completely shift into this entirely different person from who he was days ago. 


"Mathias! You cheater!" I shout over the wind whipping around my head. I hear his deep laughter float by as he zips around me. I press the gas even more, in attempt to catch up with him. 

He hugs the inner boarder, making it hard to pass him. Every time I try and pass him he cuts me off. I huff as we near the finish line and I'm still behind him. He cuts over in front of me one last time and I step on the gas, pulling around him just in time to take the lead and win the race. The instructor, a young kid around our age looks at us and shakes his head, a small smile on his face as he directs us to our designated parking spots. 

"I can't believe you beat me. I was almost there." He grumbles, looking at me with a playful glare. I grin at him, my heart skipping a beat when he shakes his head and gives me a bright smile.

He offers his large hand and I take it, letting his fingers engulf mine. We leave the go-carting area of the arcade and move on to the machine games. Mathias picks the basketball game and swipes his game card while I do the same. His laughter echoes through the arcade as I struggle to make a single basket. I pout at his almost perfect score and sigh when the ticket dispenser only gives me ten tickets while it rolls for what seems like forever for him.

"Oh let's play terminator." I grab him hand and drag him over to the recently vacated game.

He chuckles, but follows. We pick our players, I'm number one and he's two. We play until we get to the end of the first part of the story and move on. We go like this until we're both over flowing with tickets. As we walk towards the ticket trade in, Mathias spots a balloon and darts game. He pulls me over and eyes the prizes.

"I want that giant sloth." He says with determination as I scoff.

"These games are impossible." I tell him, but he's already paying.

He looks at me as he is handed the five darts and says with a serious face and voice. "But I want it."

I watch as he practices his form and adjusts his stance. He fires the first dart and it lands right in between the small spaces of the tightly packed balloons. He shrugs it off and throws another one, ending in the same result. He groans and I chuckle, causing him to glare as he throws the last three darts. He doesn't pop one balloon.

I burst out laughing, "Loser."

He huffs and crosses his arms, "Well you try it then."


Three minutes later, I hold the stuffed sloth out to Mathias with a cheesy smile.

I'm already working on the sequel but that's because I've finished this and it would write itself if I had the time

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I'm already working on the sequel but that's because I've finished this and it would write itself if I had the time

but just between us, its better than this don't tell anyone

hopefully there's some cuteness here

Next update in 3 months

Under the Same Moon as Mathias| OriginalWhere stories live. Discover now