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I sigh, tossing aside yet another outfit. Mathias hadn't told me where we were going or what we were doing, but I wanted to be prepared. For once my schedule was clear, courtesy of Mathias, who cleared both of our schedules. Just for today. I found that sleeping in is something I regret never taking advantage of. It's been a while since I were able to just lounge in bed all day.

Goldie trots in my room qnd starts barking up a storm. I hear the roar of Mathias' car and chuckle a little. "Yeah, I know, he's so mean. How dare he not take you." I coo back at Godric who seems to be satisified with my answer and flops down on the floor.

I decide to change back into my pajamas and pick up Godric. I crawl into my bed and cuddle with my lazy baby. He licks my nose while I search for something to watch.

As I am doing so, Sunny's voice is heard in my head.

Do you know where Mathias is going?

No, is there something wrong?

No, just have a bad feeling. I can't get through to him via mind link.


A few seconds pass and I hear the door downstairs burst open. For a moment I just lay there, listening to the commotion. Then I hear Seth and Sunny yelling for me to run over the growls and snarls from downstairs. So I do, not bothering to even put shoes on as I wrap Godric up in my hoodie and exit my room via the balcony. My room is on the second floor, making the jump down only a small one. I still hesitate, holding a whimpering Godric against my body.

Just as I throw a leg over the balcony rail my bedroom door is shattered to pieces by a smallish rogue wolf. He snarls and lunges for me. I throw myself off the balcony, shifting mid air. I hold the bundle of my hoodie in my mouth as I run, jumping the fence that encases the yard.

My heart pounds as I run, listening to the sound of the rogue's paws hot on my trail. I shouldn't be running away. I'm supposed to be defending my pack. Especially in the absence of Mathias, who is still unreachable through our mind link. Godric cries, and I feel the fear rolling off of him as I take a sharp left and double back to the Pack house. The rogue following me doesn't catch that I turn around and I haul ass back. How stupid can he be?

By the time I prowl the perimeter of the house and make no one is lurking, Sunny and Seth are gone. Blood is smeared all over the living room and hallway leading up the stairs. I find the maids huddled in the kitchen with the chef and cooks defending them. I drop Godric in front of them, bowing my head in shame that I ran instead of defending them.

"It's okay, Luna. They were here for you." Amanda tells me in a soft voice. I step behind a counter and shift back into human form where I am nude.

"Do you know where they went?" I ask, calling from behind the counter. One of the maids hands me the hoodie I had Godric in and I slip it on, grateful that it's one I stole from Mathias. It falls mid thigh.

"They said something about the mountains up north." Chef replies, his eyes cast down in respect for not only me, but his Alpha.

"Thank you." I watch as the maids coo at Godric, calming him down. "I need you guys to leave, it's not safe. Please go home to your familes and don't alarm any of the rest of the pack. If everyone panics it leaves us vulnerable."

Everyone nods and exits, Amanda taking Godric with her. I frown, shifting back into a wolf. I walk out to the front room and sniff at the blood. Most of it is unidentifiable, which lifts a little off my shoulders. I catch the scent of my father before I hear him walk in. He's in wolf form, his chops dripping blood. Seeing his wolf, a copper colored large wolf, brings back memories from my childhood. I back away from him, watching as he walks forward with his head bowed down to me, in a way to show that he means no harm. Unwilling to trust him, I keep distance between us.

I killed the rogue following you. Sier has captured your friends and your mate.

I thought she was dead? And how are you- nevermind it's unimportant.

She escaped before I could kill her. I've been trying to catch her again, but she's tricky. I'm here to help you now though.

I can't trust you.

Believe me, if I wanted to do your pack harm, I would have by now. We both have a common enemy right now. And if you don't accept my help, who do you have?

Fine. But try anything and I swear-

I'm still your father.

I didn't have time to even worry about the fact that he was supposed to be dead. There was no doubt that it was him, his scent is ingrained in my memory. I had so many questions for him, so much anger and confusion, but this wasn't the time for a family reunion. I follow him out of the house, as he leads me back to where his camp is. It's not far away from our borders, but I push it off as he brings me into his tent. He gives me clothes and exits so I can shift and get dressed.

When I finish, I step out to see that he's got a small army of young boys, around my age, only a few years older. I raise an eyebrow at my father.

"They're going to help us." He tells me.

"No they aren't," I protest looking at them. They look back at me with barely contained hungry eyes. Unlike the men of my pack, who know better than to stare, these boys stare openly. "They're children." I hiss.

"You're younger than we are." A guy with thick black curls, an angular face and blue eyes speaks up, crossing his arms.

I scowl, opening my mouth to respond back. My father cuts me off, motioning for his guy to stand down. "This is Yale, he's the leader of this band of misfits."

Reluctantly I stick my hand out, "I'm Ridley, Luna."

He takes my hand, his large one swallowing mine. His shake is firm, as he tries to insert his dominance. When my hand shake is firmer and I seem unfazed by his show of dominance, he pulls away. Nodding his head to the few behind him that let out a murmur when I introduced myself as a Luna.

It then occurs to me that I'm a virgin female without the presence of her mate in a group of males who can sense this. Suddenly I feel very vulnerable. My father must sense the shift and glares at the guys in front of me.

"Touch her, and I will kill you before her Alpha does. And I will show no mercy." He growls, causing the guys' eyes to snap to him. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"So what's the plan?" I question, having no idea where exactly Sier is.


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