Believe in Me- Chapter 26: Home

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As the moon shone silver in the dark night sky, Sherlock, John and Flora made their way into the mansion. Surprisingly, the guests were still there, which was the perfect cover to sneak in. They crept up the stairs, making sure Irene was nowhere to be found, and into their room.
"I'd better get changed," Flora said, gestering to her white hospital dress. "I don't particularly want to go on a plane dressed like this."
So she limped off and went to change, leaving Sherlock and John to gather anything of importance. 10 minutes later, Flora reappeared wearing the casual attire of a purple checkered shirt, leggings and Converse.
"All set?" She asked.
"Yep," John replied. "Are you sure you're well enough? You look a bit peaky."
"Yeah, I'm fine," Flora reassured him. "I'm the least of your problems. I think escaping from here is top of the list right about now."
"But..." John sighed. "If you're in pain, just say. I probably have pain killers somewhere."
"Thank you John, but I'm fine for now. Let's just go."
So they left quickly and managed to leave the mansion undetected. The road to the airport was bustling with traffic and people. The temperature had dropped and it was now quite cold. Sherlock fastened his scarf around his neck and was rushing ahead, as usual.
"Sherlock," John called. "Stop it."
"Stop what?" He called back.
"Being so hasty. Can't you see Flora's in pain?"
Sherlock stopped and turned around. John had his arm linked with Flora's and she was wincing in agony. Sherlock pulled a slight face of sadness as he saw Flora nearly collapsing on the ground.
He walked over and stood beside them.
"I'm... Fine," she insisted. "Just carry on... I don't want to hold you back."
"Don't be silly," said Sherlock. "We're almost there."
"You can make it," John added.
Flora nodded and carried on, staggering once in a while, but powered by Sherlock and John's encouragement.
After 2 hours of waiting and random arguments about coffee, started by Sherlock, they boarded and were now sat patiently for the plane to land, which would be in a couple of hours.
"Miss? Are you alright?" An air stewardess asked Flora as she passed by. "You look unwell."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine," Flora nodded. "Don't worry."
"Okay. If you're sure," she left looking unconvinced.
"I'll just be happy when we're safe and back in London," Flora added.
"I agree," said John. "What do you think, Sherlock?"
But Sherlock didn't answer. He was sat still with his hands pressed together under his chin, eyes closed and probably in his Mind Palace.
"I'd best leave him to it," John finished.
"That would be a good idea," Flora approved. She turned to John who was giving her a pitiful look and she sighed. "Stop fussing, I'm fine! I just need to sleep, that's all."
"You go ahead and do so," John encouraged. "I'm not stopping you. Besides, we have a while left to go."
So Flora fell asleep in minutes, leaving John awake by himself as Sherlock appeared to be in a slumber too. They were both unmoving throughout the duration of the flight and only stirred when the plane had finally come into land. When exiting the airport, they were greeted by heavy rain and strong winds. Only Sherlock was dressed suitably for the bad weather as John only had a light jacket and Flora didn't even have a coat. Upon seeing Flora's lack of warm clothing, Sherlock gave her his coat and wouldn't take no for an answer.
"Won't you get cold?" Flora asked.
"No," Sherlock replied. "Besides, I'm not the one who's in so much pain they can barely walk and I don't think you'd be happy if you got virus."
"You're right. I wouldn't," she shrugged and slipped Sherlock's coat on before getting into a taxi John had called over.
All three of them were extremely relieved to be back in familiar territory and couldn't wait to get inside the warm and safe flat of 221B. The journey to Baker Street was long and dull. The rain was still pouring, the wind still howling and the atmosphere was tense. Memories still haunted the trio of the events in Hong Kong and Shanghai, memories they would rather forget. The cab rolled up beside the pavement next to 221B. John, as usual, paid the cabbie and got out followed by Sherlock and Flora. The black door and gold numbers were a welcoming sight. They were home at last...


The start of The Reichenbach Fall will be approximately Chapter 28/29 and that's all I'm saying... But I have things planned out already and parts may bring tears and feels, so watch out for them...

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