Believe in Me- Chapter 30: Come and Play

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Sherlock's phone vibrated for the fourth time in a minute, while Sherlock himself was sat at the kitchen table in 221B and looking into his microscope. Flora was sat opposite him texting Emily for the first time in months and John had just come out of the shower. He walked into the living room wearing his dressing gown and drying his hair and neck with a towel.
"It's your phone," said John indicating to the phone that kept buzzing.

"Mm. Keeps doing that," Sherlock replied disinterestedly.

John looked at the mannequin that was hung from the ceiling by a rope, it was swaying gently in the breeze from the open window. He sat down and picked up a newspaper.
"So, did you just talk to him for a really long time?" John asked.
Sherlock glanced up and to the mannequin. "Oh, Henry Fishgaurd never committed suicide." He picked up and old hardback book from the table and slams it shut in a flurry of dust, then went back to looking in the microscope. "Bow Street runners: missed everything."
"Pressing case, is it?" John questioned with a hint of sarcasm.
"They're pressing until they're solved."
"Who wants tea?" Flora said putting her phone on the table.
"Yes please," replied John.
"Coffee for me," Sherlock answered. "I need extra caffeine if I'm going to get this experiment done."
Flora got up and boiled the kettle. Minutes later, she brought steaming tea to John, coffee to Sherlock and nothing for herself. She sat back down at picked her phone up again. Sherlock's phone trilled another text alert and John lowered his newspaper.
"I'll get it, shall I?" He said tetchily. He got up and walked over to where the phone was, picked it up and checked the message while Sherlock still continued to stare into the microscope. John's face slowly filled with shock.
John held out the phone. "Here."
"Not now, I'm busy."
"He's back."
Sherlock lifted his head and took the phone off John. Flora looked up too, her face showing curiosity. Sherlock read the text, his eyes widened and he sunk back in his chair, gazing into space.

Come and play.
Tower Hill.
Jim Moriarty x


Later that day, Sherlock, John and Flora had agreed to meet up with Lestrade at the Tower of London to view the security footage of a break in. Of course, it had involved Jim Moriarty. They ascended the stairs and entered a room full of screens. The black and white pictures were silent and unmoving as the Tower had been closed for the day. The security room was cold and dark, despite it being early afternoon and sunny outside. The four of them huddled around one computer and Lestrade started the footage. The small, nimble and dark haired figure of Moriarty came up to the glass case, containing the Crown Jewels, and stuck a piece of chewing gum onto the glass. Next, Moriarty placed something very small and fragile in the gum. From a distance, it wasn't clear what he stuck in it.
"That glass is tougher than anything," Lestrade said.
"Not tougher than crystallised carbon," Sherlock pointed out. "He used a diamond."
Lestrade adjusted the footage, which shifted to a recording taken on the other side of the glass. The video also goes into reverse, showing glass rising up back into place before it shattered. As Moriarty pulled the fire extinguisher back, the glass becomes whole and a scrawled message appears.
Sherlock knew that Moriarty had deliberately written backwards so that the words could be seen on the footage.


was written and the 'O' had a smiley face drawn inside it. John, Flora and Lestrade turned to Sherlock, who was looking at the screen blankly.
After a couple of moments of silence, Sherlock spoke. "That will be all, Gavin. I look forward to the outcome of Moriarty's trial."
"Will you be a witness at his trial?" Lestrade asked before Sherlock tried to get up a and leave.
"Of course," he said before heading out. John and Flora quickly rushed after him, leaving Lestrade behind.
They returned to Baker Street straight away. Sherlock was lying on the sofa, hands under his chin and eyes closed. Flora was sat in Sherlock's empty chair and John was sat in his own.
"Months of lying low and now he strikes with something so preposterous," Flora said. "I don't understand why he didn't take anything."
"Beats me," John shrugged. "He's a psychopath. Who knows what goes on in his head."

Sherlock was in his Mind Palace. Or somewhere just outside of it. He was imagining himself stood on the edge of a cliff, looking beyond into the burnt orange sky. The wind flapping his coat and ruffling his dark curls. He would always come here when he need pure peace and quiet. No disturbances, no sound. Peace. Nothing surrounded him, just an empty place. He rarely came here, that's why it was the least filled place in his Mind Palace. Sherlock shut himself off from reality and started to think about Moriarty's actions. Why the Tower of London? Why Pentonville Prison? And why the Bank of England? The three most secure places in the country and he broke into them all, yet Moriarty took nothing. He must want something bigger than riches and freed prisoners. Something that was still a mystery, but was to be solved soon. The one thing Sherlock didn't wish for, is for Flora and John to be involved in Jim's devilish game. Now it was just between him and Moriarty...


Oh Mycroft, 4K reads!? I can't thank you all enough :D

Although Sherlock's Mind Palace was short, I enjoyed writing it. I thought it was a tranquil place where he could switch off and think and it's an unusual scenario for Sherlock. So it's a new thing...

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