Believe in Me- Chapter 35: Arrest and Run

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A short while later John had got a call from Lestrade and he was going to come and arrest Sherlock. Mrs Hudson had come into the living room with a small, wax sealed parcel and handed it John.
"Funny name," Mrs Hudson said. "German, like the fairytales."
Sherlock rose to his feet, walked forward to stand by John and gazed intensely at the package as polices sirens blared outside. John pulled out its contents: an oddly coloured gingerbread man.
"Burnt to a crisp," Sherlock murmured and the sirens had now stopped.
"What does it mean?" Flora asked referring to the gingerbread man.
The doorbell rang and then somebody hammered on the front door. "Police!" A voice shouted.
"I'll go," Mrs Hidson rushed off down stairs.
"Sherlock!" The voice of Donovan called from the bottom floor.
"Evening, Mrs Hudson," Lestrade said politely.
"We need to talk to you!" Donovan shouted.
John put the gingerbread man back in the package and placed it on the table before heading out of the living room.
"Don't barge in like that!" Mrs Hudson sounded angry and footsteps could be heard pounding up the stairs. Calmly, Sherlock turned to the living room door and picked up his scarf and looped it around his neck.
"You're not going to let them take you, are you?" Flora asked with concern.
"There's no other choice," Sherlock said putting his coat on.
"Have you got a warrant? Have you?" John yelled. It sounded like he was blocking the stairway.
"Leave it John," Lestrade said.
"Really! Manners!" Mrs Hudson shrieked.
Lestrade, Donovan and a number if officers marched into the living room. Greg stood by Sherlock while two officers handcuffed his left wrist.
"Sherlock Holmes, I'm arresting you on suspicion of abduction and kidnapping," Lestrade announced.
John gave a horrified look to Lestrade as an officer pulls Sherlock's other hand behind his back in order to cuff his other wrist.
"He's not resisting," Flora gasped.
"It's alright, Flora," Sherlock assured catching her eye momentarily.
"No, it's not alright," John chipped in. "This is ridiculous!"
"Get him downstairs," Lestrade said to the officer who had handcuffed Sherlock. The officers spun Sherlock around and they both marched out of the living room. Mrs Hudson stood nearby, almost in tears.
"You know," John said. "You don't have to-"
"Don't interfere, or I shall arrest you too," Lestrade said sternly, pointing at John. He left the room and John turned to Donovan who was stood near the door.
"You done?" He asked.
Donovan looked rather smug. "Oh, I said it."
"First time we met."
"Don't bother," John shook his head.
"Said what?" Flora questioned.
"Solving crimes won't be enough," Dinovan replied. "One day he'll cross the line. Now, ask yourself: what sort of man would kidnap those kids just so he can impress us all by finding them?"
Flora and John heard Mrs Hudson gasp at Donovan's words.
"Sherlock didn't kidnap them," Flora said darkly. "How could you say such a thing? You're just jealous that-"
"Donovan," said a gruff voice that interrupted Flora.
A rather plump man walked into the room. He looked important and wore big glasses over his beady eyes. Flora thought he must be Lestrade's boss, so Chief Superindentant.
"Got our man?"
"Er, yes, Sir," Donovan nodded.
"Looked a bit of a weirdo, if you ask me," the Superindentant said, scanning the room and John and Flora turned to face him. "Often are. These vigilante types," he had turned to face John who was staring at him.
"What are you looking at?" He snapped. John had a dark look on his face then he leaned forward and punched the Superindentant hard on the nose.
"John!" Flora cried pulling him away.
The Superindentant's nose was bleeding, he pulled a tissue out of his pocket and held it over his nose. "Donovan!" He growled. "Arrest this man."
"You can't do that!" Flora hissed.
"It's against the law, Miss," the Superindentant said in a muffled voice. "If you object again I will arrest you as well."
Flora silently steeped back as she watched an officer take John down stairs. Donovan and her boss left and so had Mrs Hudson. Flora didn't know what to do except to follow everyone outside. She grabbed her coat and ran down stairs. The police car lights were flashing, making the walls of other houses blue. John and Sherlock were up against one car. John's wrist was handcuffed to Sherlock's.
"No one to bail us," John sighed.
"I was thinking more about our imminent and daring escape," Sherlock said.
"And what might that be, Mr Holmes?" Flora asked approaching them. "If you try to escape, you'll be in even deeper trouble."
"That's a risk we'll have to take," he smirked. Sherlock looked down to a radio that was lying in the police car dashboard and with his freehand, he pressed the talk button. Instantly, a high pitched squeal of feedback rips through the air. Sherlock reaches behind him and pulls an officer's pistol from him and raised it. He stepped back, taking John with him.
"Flora," Sherlock said in a loud whisper indicating for her to follow. She jogged over and stood behind him.
"Ladies and gentlemen, will you all please get on your knees?" Sherlock called aiming the gun at the two nearest officers. Nobody moved and thought Sherlock was joking. Until he raised the gun skywards and fired twice.
"NOW would be good!" Sherlock shouted lowering the gun again at the police.
"Do as he says!" Lestrade told the officers. As the officers got to their knees, Sherlock, John and Flora began to back away.
"Just so you're aware," John said loudly. "The gun is his idea. I'm just know-"
"My hostage," Sherlock transferred the gun from his handcuffed hand to his free one and aimed it at John.
"Sherlock, what are you doing?" Flora gasped, but he didn't reply which was his way of saying 'trust me.'
"Hostage!" John cried. "Hostage! Yes, that works. That works," he finished sarcastically. The three of them continued to slowly back away from the kneeling police until they were close to the corner if the street.
"So what now?" Flora whispered.
"Doing what Moriarty wants," Sherlock replied. "I'm becoming a fugitive. Run!"
The words 'get after him Lestrade' could be heard from the crowd of police, who were now in the distance behind the fleeing trio...


I have decided, once again, to skip further ahead as I still think the story is dragging. So, the next chapter will take place after the visit to Kitty Riley. I apologise for skipping the important parts, but I feel like I need to move on...
Thank you for complying! :)

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