Chapter 9

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Lockup continued for another week just in case there was retaliation. Alex and I decided we would just stay at home and not come out unless we had to. In that time, one of the prisoners was sent to fix my window. I didn't know who it was going to be. I reckoned Alex was hoping it would be Elijah. I hoped it was Dante.

In the end, it was Elijah. Alex found out that the girl who defended him made sure Elijah got some extra work. I was sitting on my bed staring at the ceiling when at 0900; he came around with a soldier I should've recognised.

"Hey Rose," the soldier said.

I started. I squinted a little at her then forced a smile. "Ahaha, hello."

It was one of the people from Stevie's course. I was surprised an underage was escorting someone like Elijah but didn't comment. It had been so long since I even acknowledged one of them that it felt like chatting to a complete stranger.

"It's certainly been a while. How come you're not playing tricks anymore? We could really use them sometimes."

I shrugged. "I guess it's just not the same."

"Yeah. He was a good guy, Caruso. We all miss him."

Elijah swept up the glass shards and tipped them into a bucket. Then he grabbed the plastic panel and began to fix it into the frame. Alex wandered into my room but said nothing. He watched Elijah in concealed awe. I sighed. There was no point to this since I knew he wouldn't say anything but for Alex's sake, I did it anyway.

"Hey, uh, you can go if you want. He's harmless."

"You sure? I don't want to get in trouble because he ran off and you couldn't stop him," she said uncertainly.

"Are you serious?" I replied, gesturing to myself.

She laughed. "Of course not. Here, take this just in case," she said, handing me her gun. I took it without a word. "If you need anything, I'm gonna be at the shelters." She left us alone. Once she was out of sight, I clicked on the safety and placed the firearm on my bed. Alex jumped up immediately and went over to Elijah, eyes sparkling.

"Hello!" he said enthusiastically.

Elijah glanced down at him and smirked. He tousled his hair then continued fixing the window. Alex beamed like a child whose parent had just come home from a mission. My hands twitched and I was shocked to find I was jealous. I scratched my head. Why was I jealous?

"You've got really quick reflexes. Are you a good fighter?" Alex pressed on. Elijah grinned and tapped his temple. "Thanks," Alex replied.

"What'd he say?" I asked, a slight edge to my voice.

"He said I was very observant," he said cheerfully.

They continued to communicate like that. I had no idea what Elijah's answers were most of the time or how Alex was even able to understand.

Once the window was put in place, I got up to find the soldier to take him back. In the shelter, she was playing a card game with some of her mates when I approached.

"Hey Rose," she said casually. I pointed towards my house with my thumb.

"He's all done if you want to take him back."

"Sure, I'll just be a minute," she nodded. Something just occurred to her and she stared at me. "Did you leave Alex there by himself?"

I pretended to be shocked. "Oh crap, I better go!" I said horrifically.

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