Chapter 16

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My head flopped sideways and smashed into the jagged wall- again. Somehow, I couldn't feel the pain that should've resulted from the collisions. Everything around me was a blur. The tiny portion of light I received from the window several metres above me wasn't giving me anywhere near enough sunlight I needed. I couldn't even tell what time of day it was. That darkness could be rain for all I knew. I tried to lift my arms to wipe my hair from my face but they lacked the strength to even push one strand. Staying awake was too much effort. However, if I fell asleep again, I wasn't sure if I'd wake up again. I fought to stay conscious but the lack of energy mixed in with the current circumstances lulled me into an uncomfortable slumber.

The cell door opened and while I wanted to run out as fast as I could, I didn't have the verve. A guard looked me up and down then turned to his partner.

"She's had enough; let's move her," he said. The other guard came in and brought me to my feet. I leaned all my weight on him which couldn't be very much since I was starving.

"How long was I in there?" I slurred. The one holding me up looked down at me pitifully.

"Only 48 hours," he mumbled. I was half dragged, half carried back down the hall and I thought I would be put in the same cell as Prince and Elijah but when I arrived, they put me into an adjoining cell. Inside, Gabriel was perched on a bench. He ran forward to help me but the other guard went ahead.

"Stay back unless you want to be shot," he growled. Gabriel stopped and stepped back.

I collapsed on a bench and watched as they shut the door. One of them stayed behind and guarded the cell while the other left. Gabriel approached me slowly, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Pinks? You okay?" He asked. I did my best to focus on him.

"How long have you been here?" I managed to force out.

He sighed in relief. "They brought me here about an hour ago," he said offhandedly. "Anyway, you look extremely pale. Do you want some water or something?" He offered.

I rolled my neck several times before I was able to properly look at him. "How come you're not half-dead?" I groaned.

He grimaced. "They fed me before you came in. I assume they'll be back with something for you too."

Sure enough, the other guard returned with a tray that they pushed through a slot in the door. Gabriel grabbed it and brought it over, passing me something on it.

"Drink first. You're dehydrated and that's what's draining all your energy." I took the cup into my shaky hands and pressed the rim to my lips. The cold trickle of the liquid flowing down my dry throat immediately woke me up. I already felt a lot better from a single mouthful. Before I could finish, Gabriel took the cup away. "Save some for after as well," he laughed. I started nibbling at a slightly stale piece of bread. My strength came back and I was able to ask the few questions that were on my mind.

"Where's Dante?" I asked.

He was playing with his bandanna as he spoke. "I assume he's still in that third solitary cell. I wonder, why haven't they released him yet?"

I chewed thoughtfully. "Well, when they got me, they said they thought I'd had enough then helped me here."

Gabriel snorted. "They're a lot nicer to you. I guess they still can't believe you betrayed them."

My stomach churned. I knew he didn't say it to be mean but it hurt all the same. "What did they do to you?"

He laughed. "They came in and saw me on Hell's doorstep. Neither of them helped me up, I just got kicked until I stood up. So as you can imagine, it took a while to get here."

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