Chapter 14

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Being alone had its perks. No one bothered you, no one asked you to do stuff, no one even tried to steal your food. However, its biggest downfall was that you got really lonely. Which is how I felt that morning, sitting on my own in the mess hall. The seat opposite me was empty, which was unusual for me. I remembered when Stevie would sit opposite me and either try pinch my bread or give me some of his, depending on how he was feeling at the time. Or more recently when Alex claimed that spot and we talked about what we would do for the rest of the day, given I wasn't running off to the cells.

I moved my dinner around its plate, cross contaminating every bit of food there. I missed both of them. I couldn't understand why Alex was still mad at me. Well, apart from the fact that he felt completely and utterly betrayed that I believed Dante over him. I clenched the spoon handle tighter, watching my knuckles become whiter and whiter. Soon Dante would be gone. I wouldn't see him for a long time. And maybe in that time he'd find another girl.

It wasn't that I didn't trust his word, it was just that the world was cruel and time was the strongest tormentor. When they worked together, you tend not to come out on top.

Once I had mashed everything together into one clump, I wolfed it down and chucked the plate on the stacking tray. I wanted really badly just to return to the cells and sit with Dante. However, I knew I couldn't because I had to find everything on the list first. I pulled out the roll of paper from my pocket and studied it carefully.

"Red and white food colouring, sugar, hot water, small container, gloves, map?" I read out to myself. Of all the things they needed, this was not what I expected. Including the map. Hadn't they talked about how well they knew their way around? I shook my head. At least it wasn't weapons. If it was, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do this.

My best bet was to search the kitchen but the staff there were very protective of their food. Stevie warned me about this but I'd never considered how he'd figured that out. I decided to check the attic first, just in case it had anything.

The dusty shelves at eye level only held ration packs and such. On their bottom rack were the many pieces of broken weaponry. I climbed the shelves and swiped a hand across the top. There was a thud and a crash as a plastic tub filled with various items fell to the floor. I jumped down and opened it, praying it had something of use. Triumphantly, I retrieved a few pairs of rubber gloves and a plastic bowl. I also took a tattered backpack to stuff everything inside.

Outside the attic, I spotted Alex. He was heading towards dad's office. Without thinking, I ran up to him. "Alex!" I called out. He stopped but didn't turn to face me. I halted beside him. "Still mad at me?" I murmured. He remained still. I sighed and went to leave.

"What are you looking for?" He asked.

I spun around. "Are you actually talking to me now?" I asked, crushing the paper in my hand.

He smirked. "Fine, I won't help you then."

"Like you would in the first place. You seem dead set in believing I'm a traitor when in reality I'm trying to get us both out of here! You may be book smart but you're the dumbest person I know when it comes to the real world," I spat. We got a few strange looks from patrolling soldiers but they just hurried along.

Alex rolled his eyes. "Call me what you want, I wasn't the one who chose a stranger over family. And when I say family, I don't just mean me."

I lunged forward and grabbed him by his shirt collar. "Did you not just hear me? I'm trying to get us BOTH out of here. Both of us, meaning you and me. Thing is, I can't do it on my own so I need their help. I don't care if you don't trust them because I know they're telling the truth. I've been around them longer." He didn't look convinced. I gritted my teeth. "And I'm not just doing this for myself either. Stevie would've wanted me to look after you."

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