Chapter 10

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There was a shortage of food this week due to the most recent cargo truck being intercepted. I found that my efforts in training came with a price, one that couldn't be ignored easily. Alex began to notice. He didn't say anything at first but once my stomach growling was loud enough to interrupt his train of thought, he took action.

"Rosie, I think you should take a break."

My head bobbed off of the table briefly before plonking back down again. The cutlery jumped at the thud, clattering to the ground. "Can't," I said. "They'll kick me out if I miss another session. Well, Prince will, not the others."

"Who's Prince?"

My head shot off the table, eyes alert. "Argh, he's getting to me," I groaned, crushing my hair. "The blond guy with the stupid ponytail is Prince. They have these aliases for some reason and yeah." My words slurred into a jumbled mess. I felt Alex's concerned stare boring onto the top of my head. I was pitiful.

"Ah jeez. Rosie, eat this."

I rolled up to rest on my chin. Waving in front of my face was a buttered piece of bread. Without thinking, I snatched it out of his hand and wolfed it down. I felt a little better to say the least. I gave him a grateful smile.


He just rolled his eyes, picked up our bowls and piled them on the tray.

When I got home, I immediately changed into my Runner's clothes. I still had a while until I had to go but I preferred to wear this over my uniform. I lay back on my bed and fiddled with my bandanna when I got a knock at my door.

"Come in."

Alex struggled with the door for a moment before poking his head through the crack. As soon as he saw me, he dashed in and shut the door.

"Aren't you being a little too reckless?" He snapped.

I shrugged. "Dad's in his office trying to solve the food problem and mum's gone with a group up North-East so they can all commit suicide."

"Tch. I'm guessing you're not going to take my advice then," he grumbled. I shook my head. He sat on the end of my bed and stared at the wall.

"You know, we're not the only ones affected by the food shortage. Elijah and the others would most likely have even less than us. Judging by how you've burned out over the course of a week, I can't imagine how tired they would be. Maybe you all need a break."

I hadn't considered that. I lifted my legs and clicked my heels together. While Alex had a fair point, I didn't want to risk Ferris' wrath. However, if they were all exhausted they wouldn't notice my absence. Except for Dante, probably.

"Actually, I think I will take a break," I said finally.

"Really?" He said, his eyes shining. "Awesome! You see, I had something I reckon you'd want to look at. Maybe you could help me-"

"I'm gonna go chill with the guys in the cell. Ferris would want me around," I interrupted.

"But-" he tried.

"See you later," I responded then slid out my window. I went to take off when a bone-chilling voice called out behind me.

"Rose Kennedy, stop this instant."

It couldn't be. My dad had no reason to be out of his office, especially since the food shortage was getting pretty dire. I could run. I could run faster than a lot of people here and the chances of him sending an elite soldier after me was unlikely. I'd have to face him later though. I was so stricken with my decision that I didn't notice someone approach me and seize my arm.

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