Chapter 12

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Later in the week, I walked into Alex's room holding two glasses of water.

"Hey Alex, look what I've got for you," I grinned. He whipped around to face me, his arm covering up the many pieces of paper that littered his desk. He smiled back sheepishly.

"Ah, thanks Rosie," he said as he accepted the glass and took a brief sip.

"It's been ages since I was last able to do this. You get punishment if you take more water than you're allowed but the restriction's been lifted since the massive downpour," I cheered.

He snorted. "Trust you to know all the nooks of punishment." I shrugged and drained my cup.

"So, what are you working on there?" I asked, peering over his shoulder. He just gave me a very calculating stare. Evidently, he'd made up his mind and changed the subject.

"Where'd you go off to the other night?" He said nonchalantly. I was about to reply with the cells but I remembered I wasn't meant to be on good terms with Dante and the rest of them. He must've noticed my hesitation for he just rolled his eyes at me.

"You went to the prison didn't you?" He said. It was more of a statement than a question so I knew I was caught.

"Well, I forgot they tricked me. It was early in the morning and it was raining and you were too lazy to get up," I huffed.

He sighed. "As long as you keep in mind what's important to you. I know it's selfish but I want to see Caruso again too."

I gulped silently. He didn't know yet and I didn't want to be the one to break it to him. However, if I didn't, who would? No one else knew the truth so either I told him or he'd end up leaving with me then realising it was all to waste.

But I couldn't tell him. Not only because I didn't want to break it to him but also because if he knew, we'd have no reason to leave. He'd keep me here and I'd live the rest of my life trapped inside the barb-wire fence. I'd be stuck with a bunch of mindless killers with no one but Alex to save me. I wasn't prepared to let those guys go. They all meant something to me now.

I was down by so many points. I no longer needed to look for Stevie and my desire to go outside the fence had lost its original feel. It was no longer to fulfil an endless curiosity. Now, I wanted to get as far away as possible from the traitors that killed my friend. Also, I had people I needed to be there for but I had to choose: Alex or Dante?

Alex had no one except me and Dante had the other three guys. The most logical answer would be to stay with Alex. We'd find a way out together. It wasn't like he wanted to stay here either. He'd probably agree to leave once he knew the people around us were responsible for Stevie's death. I reckoned I could even get a map from Ferris and migrate to the safe country when Alex felt up to it.

Anyway, Dante could fall in love again. I wasn't going to get another sibling like Alex.

My heart sank when I realised what I had to do. It would be painful for a long time but in the end, it was the best option.

"Alex," I said quietly. He glanced up inquiringly.

"Alex," I repeated. "Stevie's dead."

He stared disbelievingly. Then he shook his head.

"No he isn't," he said calmly. I watched his expression. It was one of assured confidence, no signs of wavering or shock.

"Alex, I know he-"

"How?" He interrupted, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Dante told me when-"

"What?" He yelled. I held up my hands to calm him down.

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