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rosy cheeked boy with his pale bluebell eyes and peach skin lips that brush against the bony collarbones of his innocent lovers – delve me in your sin and hold my scarred hands underneath the ichor waves of the sun until our skin blisters and our lips meet in a fury of hidden emotions and subdued lust.

your pale skin clashing with my own ( a darker , coppery shade ) in a harmony that sings in tune with our moans and your breathy gasps as i show to you things that your sweet mortal god has never showed you before .

i wring my fingers into your sun kissed hair and show you how to dance ( with that sweet tasting tongue of yours) graceful pirouettes until the sweet mint flavour that resides on your lips is completely gone, and replaced by my cherry lip balm.

and you string those pale eyebrows together because you know that this is wrong, and that your father would not approve such activities with another boy, but you can not help but lie helplessly on the sprouting grass of a hidden meadow - completely at my will, letting me wonder you and cherish you more than any other fling you have had in the past with those doll like girls in their pretty dresses and painted eyed smiles.

you touch my jaw so lightly that i fear this is our parting and i will not see you again for another moment longer , but u never do leave because i think that even though you know you should go back home to ur pretty cut house with its white picket fence and perfectly normal family with all their moral values – you don't want to.


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