An Appreciation Post

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Lovey-dovey authors note.

I feel like I say this a lot, but I'm genuinely surprised with how many of you are still enjoying the story. You must know by now that I appreciate every single reader, even those who don't make it all the way through the book. You gave it a chance, and I'm very grateful for that. Your support has inspired me to chase my dream of being a fiction writer. Also, you're one of the most loyal, kind, and funny followings I've ever seen. I recognise almost all of your accounts when you comment. I often laugh at your thoughts and opinions of characters and the storyline, and you're so sweet to me and to each other. I have days where I feel like my writing isn't very good and you'll be disappointed (Every author goes through that, so don't be discouraged if you do. You'll find your way back). But then I get such lovely comments and support. You boost my energy; you make me excited to publish a chapter.

You also tell me the truth. When something does suck, you let me know, and I work on it. The fact that you know you can voice your HONEST opinion makes me happy. I'd never snap at anyone giving me constructive criticism because it's how I improve. We need that author/reader link; I need you to feel relaxed and welcome in the comments section.

Thank you. One day I hope to meet a lot of you at book signings or premiers of film adaptations (My gosh, can you imagine???). Online writing is where I began, but it won't be where I end. I hope everyone is having a great day! I love all of you.

(SORRY, I don't usually do stuff like this because it can be annoying when you expect an update. I just wanted you all to know that without you- I would have never gotten through this series!)

A new chapter will be up most likely tonight. If not, then tomorrow morning. Get ready because it won't be a smooth ride :')

- Sian

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