ch.2:our principle

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High school known to be the best time of person life
Well,at least what they say,I mean you know those Hollywood movies ?

Hollywood movies...tsssh.. I wish I lived in a one ....But from what I finally decided
If I wasn't given a Hollywood life,I will change my life into a one.

I smirked as I got off my motorcycle and do I need to say that it's the last model?

U know those whattpad stories where main lead got bullied and got her life messed in her old school So,she will just decide to leave everything behind and go abroad or change school and just when everything starts  to go fine her past will just hit her in the butt and they mess everything But,that true boy in white armour would stand with her and love her no matter what ?
Well ,ofc u know I mean those stories were much popular

But I am not getting such a life,I am not running!not any longer!

I parked my motorcycle at the parking of this black castle ,they call it school of u wondering !

Walking inside the castle corridors.
All eyes were up on me
Blabbering again and again
Those words won't hurt anymore idiots,don't try me !

"I thought u would never show your ugly face again in the school;I mean after what happened that night,oh pity on you"

I just turned around to meet the bitch and when I say the bitch you shall know I mean Alex that best friend anyone could ever have.well,at least not me!

"I guess you can change your ugly glasses and even your stupid braids
Wear brands or whatever bestie cause you will always look ugly and that why Jason exactly left you"

I won't reply you.I can't mess it up.

"Come here show me that bag It does match with my shoes as u notice!"
one of her so known besties came to me and she really seemed interested in my bag!

Oh! Dear let me show you how to play!

Just as her hand laid on my body.I twisted it quickly!
"How dare you bitch ?!"she said getting her other hand to slap me

I just threw her with both her hands to the ground !
Now!fight starts!
The girls were going one after one to me
And let's say I just screwed up their beauty faces till that stupid guy showed up
And grab my two hands

So,this is how he treats a girl
Oh,not gentleman type!
I left my branded hugh heels and kicked him where sun doesn't shine!
Just as I made sure they are all are in pain on cold ground

Stay here bitches there where you usually get me stay !

With that I just left them around all the crowd
Same crowd!

Going to my next direction!
U guys gotta like this !


15 mins. Later
It is first period already!
Perfect time for my next big hit !

"Morning !"I said out loud getting attention of  everyone in this school

"We all know about what happened to our precious principle!
I hope you all pray for her and that she becomes better
Actually you Don't really has to worry
she gonna be" I drank a little of my juice showing their expression
"But for now she surely won't like school and everything to wait her
So,we sure gonna need a principle to take her place "I stopped as I recognized the smirk on that old man face,you gotta dream grand pa....I am not her to trust sb like you ....

"And surely who gonna be much lawful to take care of her work after her aside from her .....daughter"
I stopped to notice fan fair school was in
As I opened microphone of my dear class and their disappointed old man

"What are you saying? Ariel has just one daughter and it can't be you!"

"What the heck?!"

"Kid if you Don't go out of our principle room.i am afraid I must send you to detention"

Send who to detention old man ?Now,I can send you to mars if I want But,just wait a little

"Was with you....."I stopped playfully and mockingly "selena rider!"


A lot of fan fair went about how selena they knew is a mute ! Or actually was !

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