ch.3:new Hollywood!

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3 장
새로운 할리우드!

"I will be in charge of our school materials and gonna also be one of our lovely school students So,I hope we all can be friends!"I said provocatively

Well,enough on them for today .I said closing all cameras and speakers!

Resting on my new comfortable chair
"So,this is my new Hollywood "
"Okay time to get congratulated for my new chair I guess" I said opening mother's door .Well I mean door.

As I just opened the door I mean with no spare of one second

I was thrown on the floor with a piggy hugs of someone I can't recognize !
He spared hug looking at my eyes
"SELENA!Selena it's you ! You just talked ! Selena ! You can talk! SAY MY NAME SELENA I BEG YOU! SAY MY NAME !"

Huh?who that weirdo asian guy ?
"Well,kiddo,So,you know me?!"

He stood up from me
Giving me his back
"Oh,ummmmm.I apologies!
Don't worry.I am none !
I was always that way for you!
Don't mind me ! I will head to class" he said as with that he ran through the door

The Asian guy p.o.v.
I run through corridors behind that wall!
"Well,at least she talked me ! I am glad she can finally talk ! But,Sth about her attract me more to her
Sth much special than before!
I am really glad" I said dancing through school corridors towards my class
"Thanks God ! I know you accepted my prayers!"

Selena p.o.v.
Second big show?

I opened the door and went to that thing well,I call stage but they call class

Opening the door all eyes were on me !
I gotta be star of this day!

"Hello! Long time no see dear classmates"i said in provocative way "and sure for my kind devil I mean... teacher!"well I guess that was wrong. Maybe?

"Mrs.rider! That totally unaccep...."

" is that how you used to talked mother?I mean your principle ?let's not forget I am principle Now!"

The old man looked me in anger
"Yeah,miss ryder!" I then brought teacher's chair to that stage I mean that thing teachers explain on !whatever!I just crossed my leg and sit on that chair when ofc laid on the wall

" I would like it if you let me introduce myself !I mean students do so on their first day to school,right?
And I wanna you all make sure I am new student!"
So,here are bitches group!

"Well,you all know what my mother called me !'selena ryder'.I will be your classmate and so your principle.My favourite hobby is treating idiots and if you wondering about my favourite sport So,I will have to say 'boxing'"I said breaking our kind pen!
"Well hope we all have good time "I said smiling to them!
Well it gonna be good for me But,I can't promise about you all!

Some high claps from back seat where heard !
It was from an energetic guy from back
OH ....MY.....GOD!

"Mrs.ryder you can go now to sit next to....."the old man said !

"You needn't choose me I mean school is all mine,right?"I said smirking

I went to the last chair in the middle part of class well not to Asian guy ofc cause he on left side!
And by that I threw my books to that table they call desk if you wondering!

The bitches was still looking at me and so was everyone!

"Having a crush on me or Sth?sorry to break your little hearts but,I am not interested in women !"I said looking to the bitches gang !

And without whole class went laughing
Poor old man his mouth might drop down from shock !
" !!"I exclaimed him
"I pay you to teach us not to glare in my face!"the class went laughing again But,this time he finally talked !
"Shhhh shut up u all! Let's complete what we were saying!"
And he went blabbering about how dogs are blah blah blah

How interested am I! Wait or ....?

"Mister!"I said raising my hand
"So,you was saying that this incurable breads of dogs has Sth green on their neck?"
"Sir I am afraid you has incurable disease !"
Then whole class went laughing and I was feeling victory over that old man who doesn't know shall he reply on this side student or show respect his principle

For his good luck !
Before he can say anything the bell went on!

"Class dismissed "was last words he said before he run in shame of what happened !

U deserve it though !
"I will never forgive you for what you did to my family?!"

"You was great selena ! I hate that teacher!"the Asian boy said
Well,he seems not as worse as I though in the end!

On second period
I am going to take some nap
I mean I am just tired after all this drama and now all this love stories about Romeo and Juliet !
I am sick of them !
Does that teacher even believe what she says?
Whoever I better take some nap !

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