ch.4:new friends!

15 3 2


5 상

"Ahhhhh"I screamed as I woke up!!!

"WHAT THE HECK!"I said out loud to the Asian guy who went hugging me as I started screaming!

"I apologise!"he said hugging me!

"Where is everyone?"I said examining the class !

"They went to have lunch!"

"And why you still here then ?!"

"I didn't  want you to stay all alone by yourself when everyone is out!
And you also seemed much tired so,i didn't want to wake you up!"

Ummm he actually nicer than I thought But,I have no relationship with him!!!whatever!

"So,we go eat lunch?huh?huh?huh?I am hungryyyyyy!"he said like little children!

"I am hungry anyway!"


As I stood up a jacket fell from my shoulder!
I looked at him and he just rubbed the back of his head
"Ummm I thought you might had felt cold!"
It was the first time sb ever gave me his jacket even my father !whatever!

"You go first I will catch you in minutes !"

"Arasso!" he said and quickly left

Arasso?!I bet it's sth asian,whatever!

I actually  asked him to go first so I can collect my things But,it's already in my bag!
He must had done So!

I took my bag and headed to lunch !
Ahhh~~~ I am dying to eat!


Here comes the cheater !

I just gave him my back and went walking but he followed

"Selena,I am talking u !" he shouted grabing my shoulder

"Whose filthy hand is this?ah!
One of my students?what do you wanna say for your principle ?"

"Selena listen me I didn't mean to break you ...I just I mean you were mute and it was kind of boring But,now since you talk maybe we can give it a shot!"

"You said you didn't  mean to break me?"

"Yeah I didn't I just...."

"Do you see me broken ?Don't worry I won't get broken over a filthy hands like yours!"


"Miss ryder that isn't proper way to address your principle,kiddo.
Now excuse me and go play somewhere else!"
as I saw his shocked face I felt so happy ! I can enjoy my lunch now!

I finally bought food ! I was dying to eat !

Ummm where to sit?

It will be enjoyable if I went to sit with the bitches *I smirked*

Ofc you know where I went to?

"Put dishes Here!"

"Hey! Selena if you Don't see it we sitting Here!"

"Yeah I see !"

"Your full menu dishes covering whole table !"

"You right!"



"Go away!"

"Why shall I leave what is mine ? This school is mine and so is this table and those benches and this whole menu is all mine But you have nth here except your bitchy tounges so ,you can take your ass and find yourselves somewhere else to sit!"

I know you might think she doesn't  get enough of this and actually you right.

"Selena you can't order me!!!"she shouted damn hard

"Mr.mark!"I called my guard

"Yeah Mrs.!"and with that bitches went away and I went enjoying my food

Wasn't that same way you used to treat me?drink of same drink u offered then!

"Selena?"the Asian guy again!ah,right?I told him to meet me here !

"Ummm can I sit with you?"he asked nervously "if you Don't mind" he added

I just nodded he was nice to me and I won't break my words

"Come on guys! She agreed,told you she is nice!"

And my cute table was surrounded by 4 guys eating my ex food 'no comment'

I looked at the Asian guy and he did same
"Ah! Selena! This is Mike and lucas"
"Hi!"they said in same time
Woah I am fascinated!

Mike is a little shorter considering dave he had chubby cheeks and black hair and let's not forget his hazelnut eyes 

Lucas was middle between them both
He had dark black eyes and yellow hair falling on his fair skin
and I can say he really likes food by way he finished 5 plates while I am introducing them

Woah!Am I having friends already?!

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