ch.6:his story

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"U better?" I asked as I gave him a mug of warm tea


He was just looking down to ground

A moment of silent passed between us and he still looking down with hot mug in his hand .I remembered what he said earlier


                      End of flash back
He must be feeling bad about himself!

"So,you Korean?"I asked breaking silence

"How did you know?you finally remembered me ?But,I never told you ..."he said as he took quick glance to my eyes then quickly to ground

"Arraso!I googled it!"

"Ah! Yeah"he said still bending his head

Strange thing he never asked where he is or what has happened!
I guess he came here b4 then!

Bending his head not his style
I wanna that powerful guy I met in morning

"Anddddd...What got you here?"

"I....hmmmm...shall I say ?"

"Its ok if u don't!" Isaid as I took a sip of my drink

He then started moving his fingers around his mug

" parents weren't on best term ...they will always fight and hurt each other the end ...they did divorce younger brother were sent to live with my aunt here and I stayed in some boardschools alone
Father didn't allow me to travel cuz I am his heir
dad will find himself a new woman everynight and mother went around her career so,I didn't met her a lot
After that by few aunt died and my brother was left alone in strange country.I thought of getting him back to korea But,it's harder there and my father being the chairman and my mother being a super star
Reporters wouldn't live us alone
So,we decided to live all alone here and start a new life "

" I don't get you!You left all this money and big status to come and take care of your brother in a strange country ?"

He noded
"My brother is one grade younger than us ,we just support each other to live But,this new world didn't seem to welcome us a lot
My brother went in a big accident and his face went damaged so,doing him new plastic surgery
I asked doctor to give him English men features so,after his surgery none would bully him ever again
Then a big company got him deput with their new band so,I guess I did well till now .he will be fine as long as none Know we brothers.This country doesn't  welcome outsiders especially who looks different than them"

"What about you?"

"Me?I...when I first came school...I fell in love with damn pretty girl.she was so intelligent and everything though she was a part in some of school gangs with her bf
She was so,they got her bully people and annoy them.
At times,her bf and her bestie will shout at her or hit her
She will always cry under lap of science room ...she was a mute girl .
I guess we did good friendship.everytime she will get hurt she will come to me though,she at times would slap me in front of people and say she doesn't  know me "he giggled

"But,yet I couldn't  stop loving her
Till that One-day I saw her bf  cheating her with her bestie.I was so mad like how can you cheat sb like her ?! On other hand,I was damn happy maybe what happened give me a chance with her
I told her and she didn't believe me.
She brought a crown and wrote with big letters word"Liar" on my forehead
I was so mad
I got in a fight with him that night
And ended up whole summer in a coma
Worst thing,when I woke up she wasn't there
Here mother went in a coma
And she just disappeared
But,today she showed up again  I was so happy But,I even went happier knowing she can talk!
And her voice was prettiest voice I could ever hear
I feel she strange about her
She isn't same girl I used to know
But,I even love her now more cause she stands up for bullies though,I can't understand  her at times But,I was really so happy that I jumped over my desk running to her
Though,she denied that she know me,again!"he said with a broken smile

"Then her bf and his gang will see that I am one who messed them everything! She was wealthy girl who will get them everything done and get him travel Maldives  for free though whenever they bullied me I won't hit back!"

"Huh?why don't you hit back?you have good body as I see .you can throw them outside the world if you want!"

"The reason she disappeared.the reason her mother went coma everything .I regarded it as my fault.maybe if I hadn't tell her. She wouldn't  had disappeared
Maybe if I didn't fight him and I was awake then I could take care of her
I never knew if she alive or not
If she well or not.
I cursed myself everyday and every night
And I saw that I deserve it
I never wanted her to see me getting hit
Cause I am one she will go to when she crying
If I am weak she won't come to me !"

Why?if he was sb so important why can't I remember him?
Why he waited me all of that?
Did he even wait Me?
He didn't!

Assssssh.why do I feel all messed ?
Why I feel heavy heart?
It hurts
Something in here hurt
It was already messed,why should I meet you now?
Why am I happy?

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