ch.8: The gentleman who stole my first kiss

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Selena's p.o.v.
That idiot dared to take my first kiss and he rightnow sitting on my chair eating my food ...
Well...I know I invited him to eat...but,where is Prince blood?
Like no dear you eat it
Forget it he bleeded alot!

"Woah that spaghetti is pretty tatsy" burglar of kisses finally talked

"Of course it's tasty I made it!"I mumbled in low voice
We were eating on the roof of villa
U know?
Small table and average tent under moon light
Actually this is my special place I made in this house
It's pretty cool if you wanna my opinion
You may see me crazy having large villa and leaving it all and staying on the roof but,k that's my style!
Selena's style!

"YOU MADE IT?!"he said jumping of the ground but his arm hurted him

I just rolled my eyes to him
"Sit,sit your body still not that well!"

He sat confusingly
"Selena but you can't cook!
I remember that day when your jerk ex told you to cook him you ended up hurting yourself and getting food burned !"

"HUH?UH!RIGHT!I learned in month I disappeared in!"

Idiot!think before you talk!

"Oh!but,you pretty awesome!
I am pretty happy I will be able to eat from this food everyday !"He said giggling


"You will.All wives do!"he said proudly


"ME!Don't worry dear selena you DON'T have to marry me but, I will surely marry you one-day!"

"Yeah,yeah keep dreaming little boy!"I said throwing meat ball into my mouth

"And we will have little cute twins what do we call them?HUH?any ideas?"

I threw him my death glare as I took my fork and throw a meat ball into his mouth !

"Eat now and let your dreams for night !"

"Assssssh just wait and see !
Childy!see what your mother do in your handsome,nice,smart and skillful father!"

"Tsssh!so full of himself!"I said as I throw him another meat ball

He eating nth !

"Yah!eat to consumbate loss of your blood!I did much food so eat!"

"Yeah!Don't worry I will eat well,jagiya!"he said will making cute poute by his face

"Tsssh yeah do so jagiya!"I said and he quickly pinched my cheeks with a smile giving me meatball

"Yah!I will get chubby!"

"Who cares !this jagiya will always love your chubby face !"


"Selena ! Since you better now !I better excuse myself to go home!"he explained

He going home already?!

"Where do you live?I will escort you there!"

"Huh?no need. I live two streets behind !"

"Your body still weak I will just take you there!"I insisted

"Ohhh!you see that Child?your mother really cares alot for your father!"he said giggling

"Geez so funny,lets go down ! I Will escort you!"

"Nope!Tae guk doesn't agree!"he said crossing his arms in childish way

"And why wouldn't tae guk agree?"

"Selena is the girl !
Tae gguk is a gentleman who won't let girl take him house and go alone to her house!"


"See you tomorrow at school,I will wait you!" He said giving me long hug

He mumbled last words in my ears
"I missed you much!
Don't ever disappear ever again !
I swear to protect you then make you mine and we gonna live in forever happiness !"

Huh?I.....that was pretty cool like those Hollywood movies but,why I feel my legs jelly ?

"Good night!"he mumbled towards door "jagiya!"he added with a wink!

I watched him from villa roof till he went gate!

"Good night!Jagiya....!"I shouted
He really likes annoying me with words I can't understand

But,let me tell you the trick anyone who tell you Sth you don't understand
Tell them same word then you gonna know take victory anyway!

He just bent his head to ground and went smiling like crazy

"Tssssh I guess I was harsh a little shouldn't bully him with word jagiya!
He already hurt!"

You think he gonna be safe going house alone?what if he fell or he met Jason on his way?
Not like I care anyway!

Seriously?that is two streets after?I have been chasing him for almost quarter an hour!

He has been entering shop and going out of other and then otherwise and Asssssssh
Good thing I brought my car !

He has been inside this ice cream shoo for alot!
That my favourite ice cream shop
Ice cream don't get people chubbier ...I guess
You know their choco chip mint ice cream is so cool!
What if I died tonight?
I shall do things I like before I die,right?
But,I will get chubby!
Let's do some workouts later!
Problem solved!
I am so intelligent !

I parked my car and put on my black cap along with my black jacket !

As I entered the store I went to buy my ice cream and don't remind me I will get chubbier !Told ya I will do workout later!

I went to the menu and their was many varities
"Give me the new flavour!"I told the guy in cashier
New things are always the best I am someone who die to try new things !

"25 cent !"the guy said in a straight tone
The guy then went to prepare my ice cream but, one min. Later
We heard voice of Sth thrown damn hard on floor!

The cashier left my ice cream and ran towards a room in behind


I went after the cashier and found what I expected!

Tae guk was on the ground and that man who seems to be the manager was holding a lot of ice !


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