Chapter 2: Will You Go On A Date With Me?

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1 Hour Later
Midoriya's POV
  Uraraka already left the hospital to go somewhere else,the doctor was able to heal her just enough to walk freely,but she was told to take the rest of the day off. I stayed a while longer to make sure she was fine. Before she left she told me not to worry too much about her and to just enjoy the rest of the day.

  I'm currently making my way to the beach to meet up with a certain someone...

  I ran as quickly as I could to the beach be and there I saw a skinny and almost skeletal looking person. Though he has retired and is much weaker then he was before,that doesn't change the fact that he's still the best heroes that ever live. He turned around and started waving at me.

  "Young Midoriya,so you finally made it,you definitely took your time,I was just about to leave."

  "Sorry All Might... I came as quick as I could, I was busy with some work and I had to help Uraraka get to the hospital so..."

  "Well okay,I'll take your excuse this time."

  "Wait but that's not an exsu..."

  "You've really come a long way since you first met me,since then you've become a great hero,and I'm proud of you Midoriya."

  "Well if it weren't for you I don't know where I'd be right now,not to mention if I didn't inherit One For All, I probably wouldn't be here right now. You led me down a path I will never regret taking,and for that I'm grateful to you."

  "Geez,you didn't need to make it so cheesy. Anyways,let's change the subject,about that girl,Uraraka was it,are you finally gonna ask her out?"

  "Wait what...why would you ask that and what do you mean? I... I..."

  "Oh come on! I think you've made it obvious enough that you have feelings for her."


  "You should at least try to ask her out I mean your already 19,don't you think you should at least try to ask her out?"

  "I mean I've thought of it a few times but I just never did. What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if she rejects me? What if I make a fool out of myself if I make the wrong move? What if she thinks of me differently afterwards? What if she..."

~mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter~

  All of a sudden All Might hits me on the head.

  "Oh god! No one's better at spitting out word vomit then you,but honestly, if you don't try you might regret it afterwards, I'm not forcing you to do it,but just telling you to try."

  All Might's POV
'I know he wants to focus on his goal in becoming the new #1 hero,but I think he shouldn't just focus on one goal alone. He's come a long way since then, I just wish there was someone there for him.'

Uraraka's POV
I left the hospital after getting patched up,Deku stayed with me longer then he needed to,but I'm glad he did. I'm on my way to the cafe where me and a bunch of my friends were supposed to meet up.I open the door to the cafe...

  "Hey! Uraraka,over here!"

  I turn to my left to find a girl with pink skin waving at me,that is none other then Mina Ashido.

  I head over to my table to find Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jiro, Toru Hagakure, Tsuyu Asui and Mina Ashido already seated at the table. Tsuyu moved over to make space for me to sit,I sat down at the spot she left me.

  "Sorry I'm late. My leg got injured so I couldn't make it here in time,so sorry!"

  "It's okay! Don't sweat it girl,we were all actually later than the time we first planned so it's okay."Mina said with her carefree attitude.

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