Chapter 3: Perfect Date...Or Is It...

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  Later that evening...

  Midoriya's POV
  By the time of our date,I wait at the park which was where we decided to meet up,I decided to wear something appropriate but not to formal. My mom insisted on choosing my clothes for my first date,and to be honest I think she did a good job. It was a black vest over a dark green dress shirt which was adorned with a bow tie,I wore black pants and red sneakers.

(P.S. Those red sneakers are brand new their a different size because he bought new ones,it would make no sense if his feet didn't grow in 3 years)

  I held a tied bunch of flowers in my hand that was hiding behind my back.

  'Huh...I guess I might've arrived a little too early?'

  I take out my phone and looked at some of the news reports online.


  I look up from my phone to see Uraraka leaning forward to look at my phone.

  "Wahh! startled me."

  "Oh sorry I didn't mean to I just wanted to say hi."

  "It's okay. It was kind of my fault for not paying attention. Oh! And these are for you."

  I hand her the flowers I bought.

  "Wow! Thanks! They look really pretty."

  "Speaking of which you look really pretty too."

  Uraraka then blushed a bit after hearing my compliment.

  She was wearing an ombré pink sleeveless dress that fell to her knees and she also wore a shiny silver necklace and wore a pair of red heels.

"Thanks! You look great too. So shall we go?"

"Umm...yeah sure."

'I was still really nervous so I tried my best to keep my cool.'

  We decided to go to a nearby restaurant and eat dinner.

   We found a Japanese restaurant not far from the park and so we headed there.

  We were seated to a seat near the windows and we ordered our food.

  Uraraka's POV
  'I'm starting to really get nervous now and I don't know what to say,oh god this is so awkward,asking him out was a horrible decision.'

  "Uraraka !"
  "Yes! Wha...what's the matter Deku?

  "Have you decided what to order yet?"

  "Oh right...sure yeah I decided already!"

  "Well alright! Then the waitress can take our orders."

  A few minutes later...

Midoriya's POV
  "Here are your orders please enjoy!"

  "Thank you!"

  As she was setting down the food she accidentally tipped it over to my side and was about to spill all over me.

  'Oh god this can't possibly end well...'

  I close my eyes ready for it to land on me, but when I opened my eyes,they were floating right above the table.
  "Close one am I right Deku!"

  "Yeah! Thanks Uraraka.

  " No problem."

  She set it back down on the the table and deactivated her quirk.

  "I'm so sorry sir! Please forgive me!"

  "Don't worry it's alright."

  After we finished our food and paid we left and decided to walk around the park and took a stroll around the place.

  "Hey Deku...can I ask you something and I know this might not be the best time to do it but this is really important to me so I'm sorry if this comes out as unexpected."

  "It's okay you can tell me anything!"

  "Well Deku I..."

  Just before she spoke we heard a few people yelling from a distance.

  "Holy crap is that Deku and Uravity!"

  "And their in fancy clothes..."

  "Could they be on a date!?"

  "Awww...their so cute together!

  We turned to face the source of the noise and we saw a group of people there. Of course,why did I think we would have the entire night to ourselves,they were fans.

  They started to run in our direction and all of a sudden Uraraka pulled me by the wrist and started to run away.


  Uraraka's POV
   'Urghh!!! Why now that was so embarrassing,I was about to confess to him too! What was I thinking!'

  'We have to get away from them for now,I hate to do it but I just want to spend the night with Deku.'

  "This way!"

  " I guess?!'

  We ran for awhile and we finally lost them.


  "Deku why are you laughing all of a sudden?"

  "Sorry it's just that I wasn't expecting that to happen tonight, I thought I would spend the night together by ourselves...and that just caught me off guard."

  "Hehe...yeah I guess your right,I kinda found it amusing too."

  "Deku...I just wanted to say...

  All of  a sudden we heard on explosion nearby along with the screams of around a thousand people. We both turned to see smoke coming from a building nearby.


  " Yeah I know lets go!"

  On the night of their first date disaster struck the city! What will they do now?!

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