Chapter 4:What Happens Now?

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Midoriya's POV
We arrived at the source of all the commotion and there we saw Ground Zero on the top of one of the buildings.

Ground Zero
Quirk:Ground Shift
He's able to change the surrounding area into anything imaginable as long as his feet are touching the ground.

' Wait,hold on that's the villain I saw on the news on my phone! Oh god this can't be good...'

Me and Uraraka didn't think we would get attacked by villains tonight so we weren't prepared for anything. Normally if I were to leave the house after hero work I would still bring along the gloves Hatsume made for me,
but right now I just have to rely on my quirk alone which normally would be just fine,but judging by the news,this will be harder then normal.

"Uraraka,we have to stop him now! We can't wait for reinforcements,we have no choice,if we leave him here, he'll just end up destroying more and more of the city!"


I activated One For All and Uraraka lightened up her clothes and shoes and snapped her heels so she could run easier,we ran up the broken pieces of concrete that were piled up against the building. As soon as we made it
to the top,we decided to go in for a sneak attack.

We tried our best to not be seen,but by the time we got close enough to restrain him it was too late.

"Well,well,well,if it isn't Deku and Uravity! I wasn't expecting you two to be here. Oh well,now that your here,I hope you're ready to fight cause this is going to be a rough one."

He created a field full of metal restraints in a blink of an eye. In an instant we were both tangled up by them,I overflowed my body with One For All and they were all snapped in half.

"One For All:Full Cowling 50%!!"

This was no time to go easy on him,we have to stop him as soon as possible.

I ran in to knock him out quickly,but he created a wall around himself and I ended up hitting my head against it.

"Deku! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine,don't worry about me,we have to stop him first!"

Blood was dripping from my forehead,but it didn't matter,we had to stop him no matter what. We went in to try restraining him again,but he just created walls and kept on blocking us,he created a mine field and it all went up near us to blow us backwards.

"Deku...we can't stop him,we're on our own,we can't do this..."

"Yes we can! Don't doubt ourselves just yet Uravity! We can win!"


Uraraka's POV
We ran away to hide behind the destroyed concrete blocks on the ground and started to hatch a plan.

"Ground Zero's quirk requires him to stand on the ground, so we have to find a way to make him float without him being able to manifest obstacles in time."

"So you'll make a distraction that lasts just long enough for me to make him float and after that,you come in to knock him out,but how do we stall him long enough to be able to get close to him?"

"No. I think the best way to do it is to have you distract him while I wait downstairs to break through the ceiling to knock him out. So first off,wait until he gets close enough that making a quick move would result in him having a delay in response. After you immobilise him,give me a signal."

"All right Deku,let's kick this villains ass!


"Oh come out...its no fun hiding the whole time,come on!"

I can hear his footsteps coming closer and closer.


I jump above him and touched him on the back making him float.

"Now Deku!"

"80% Delaware Detroit Smash!!!"

He broke through right beneath him and sent him flying even higher then before. Deku jumped up and kicked him to have full impact on the ground.

"10% Shoot Style!!"

Ground Zero made a huge impact when hitting the ground, even making the ground shudder.

"We did it Deku!"

"Yeah,nice job Uraraka!"

We were completely exhausted from our fight and our clothes were tattered and dirty. I started to space out a bit since I was so tired.

"You...think over?"
I heard Ground Zero in the back of my head and large stone spikes were starting to come our way,I wasn't paying attention and I wasn't able to move out the way I time.

"Uraraka! Move!!"

Deku pushed me out the way and instead the spikes pierced him and he fell to the ground.

I rushed over to him without hesitation. I rested his head on my knees and the wound cut the side of his waist.

"Deku!? Oh god are you okay? Please say something! Anything?! At least show me you can still hear me, Deku please wake up!!"

I started to sob fearing for the worst and I turned to see if Ground Zero was still there, and he escaped.

"Deku please open your eyes...I need to know if your still okay..."

Ground Zero has escaped and Deku's in bad shape. What happens now?!

Author's note:
Recently I've been re-reading this thing and realiseds that there were a lot of typos in this and I'm so sorry,but since I'm lazy and am in a rush to upload this thing,I'm not gonna change any of it so I apologise if that annoys you but I hope you can forgive me for it.

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