Chapter 5: I Love You

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Midoriya's POV
I wake up to see a bright light shining into my eyes, I blink a few times to clear my vision,when it was clear enough that I could make out the fact I was at the hospital,I tried to sit up when I felt a sharp burn linger on the side of my waist. I saw bandages wrapped around my arms and stomach area. I turn to see Uraraka standing at the foot of my bed.

"Deku your awake!"

"Uraraka...why are you here? And what happened?"

"You were hurt pretty badly after the fight so I brought you to the hospital to get help."
There was a moment of silence before I decided to say something.


As I was about to say something I heard the door swing open. It was Recovery Girl.

"Recovery Girl!? Why are you here."

"I was here to help a client with their work when I heard you got beat up during your fight tonight so I came to check on you."

She came over to look at the clipboard on the desk next to me,she immediately frowned after seeing the list of injuries I had and turned to me.

"Looks like you were badly injured after that. Honestly don't act so reckless next time,I could tell based on your clothing that you two were pretty busy with your own business,you don't always have to save the day. Your exactly like All Might,you two always put yourselves in dangerous situations without thinking.

  "Remember what I said today and I need you to know that you can depend on others. Well be careful next time,I'll come back later to heal you up so you'll have to stay here for the night until your feeling better.Goodbye."

And with that she walked away and closed the door behind her.

I turn to continue talking to Uraraka when I saw tears streaming down her face they eventually make their way on to the bed and she dug her face into her hands.

"Deku...I'm so sorry for everything,I shouldn't have froze in the middle of our fight...if I would've acted in time you wouldn't be hurt...."

"Uraraka,it's not your fault I was reckless and I didn't notice it so its my fault for getting myself into this mess,you have nothing to apologise for."

"No,it was completely my fault,if I couldn't even protect you,how am I supposed to help others, I'm a worthless hero and a bad friend,even back at UA,I'd always be thinking about how I felt about you instead of working hard to become a good hero. I'm an idiot for thinking I could confess to you,that you would like someone as useless as me,that you would love me back and return my feelings,I don't deserve you!"

"That's not true! What happened tonight was my fault and nothing could of stopped it, and if you reacted in time then you would be in my position,I can't bear the burden that you got hurt because I wasn't there to protect you. When I first met you you were so much more then a friend to me, I wanted to protect you when I could and make sure to help you no matter what, but all this time I've just been selfish,thinking about myself and my goal of becoming a hero, even though I did have feelings for you,I ignored them so I could focus on my goal and you thought I didn't like you,and I regret not paying attention to you and your feelings,I'm so sorry."

" don't have to..."

"Ochako Uraraka,you saved me at times when I needed help,you supported me even when I messed up,you believed in me when I didn't believe in myself and most importantly you were always there for me when I was at my lowest point,you are my best friend and your an amazing person,I don't think you realise how wonderful of a person you are, your much more stronger then you think and that's why I had a crush on you in the first place."

Uraraka's POV
Deku's words made me drown in my tears and I started to blush and thought about what he said.

"Deku,I didn't think you thought of me like that,you're not a selfish person,it's not wrong to focus on your dreams,so I don't know why your blaming yourself. You're always working so hard and your such an inspiration to me,but your more then that to me. I feel this way about you because you're the way you are."

Midoriya's POV
Ochako's words made me feel warm inside,she made me settle down and somehow made me ignore the pain completely,I have to tell her...'
I hold her hand and lowered my head and spoke my mind...

"Uraraka...I know this is not what you're expecting and even though this isn't the best time to say it I have to. I know the road ahead of us is rough and difficult,and I have no doubt that I will fail over and over again,and I wish for you to be there with me on this journey,I want to be by your side and protect you no matter what,I'm finally willing to focus on more then just my dream,I want to help you achieve yours too,so I'm willing to be more then just friends,I want to start a new chapter together,so Ochako Uraraka,will you be my girlfriend?"

I say those final words and look up at her to find her in awe and covering her mouth and shedding a tears that streamed down her face.I could tell she wasn't sad but instead happy.
"Yes,I will. I'll be by your side no matter what!"

After she answered she immediately wrapped her arms around me and leaned in for a kiss. I kiss her back and hugged her tight,we share a passionate kiss for a while before we broke apart. We stared deeply into each other's eyes and embraced one another tightly...we're together now and I promise I'll be with her through thick and thin...

"This is the start of our new chapter together..."
Author's Note:
Hey! Thanks for making it this far. Like I said in the introduction I will do a sequel or another ship story,whichever comes first. And I might do some side stories for this fanfic. Why? BECAUSE I CAN!
If you have any ways that I can improve,then feel free to leave your critique and opinions.
And with that,I hope you enjoyed and byyyyyeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!😊❤️

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