Chapter 1:Should I Confess?

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My name is Izuku Midoriya! I'm a graduate from UA.I'm currently one of the pro heroes who roam this city,  and I'm the #1 pro hero, Deku. Though I mentioned before that this was the story of how I became the worlds greatest hero,this part of the story is of how I got together with my crush,my soulmate,my friend and the person I love... Ochako Uraraka.

Current Day...

Midoriya's POV
I'm currently rushing to a crime scene,apparently  heroes there need my help and they called me for backup, I just hope it's nothing too crazy.

Uraraka's POV
  Things are getting way out of hand, I wasn't expecting so many villains to come all at once,the villains just keep on coming, I try my best to dodge their attacks, though I did manage to restrain and dodge a few of them but their way too quick for me.

  'Where the hell is Deku? I could really use some help.'

As I was thinking that,a villain started to approach me.

"Dang it! I wasn't paying attention!"
I hear footsteps coming closer and closer to me.

  'Wait is that...'
  I turn around to see a guy with messy green hair and green eyes come running in and immediately punching the villain square in the face sending him flying back.

  "Deku! Thanks for saving my butt,I owe you one."

  "Sorry Uraraka. I came as quick as I could. I wish I could've come sooner. I..."

  "No it's okay,you came just in time."

Midoriya's POV
  As she was talking, I felt the ground shake, I looked behind me to find the Mech villain: Cyborg, approaching us.

"Look out!"

Cyborg:the Mech villain
Quirk:Mechanic Alteration
His quirk allows him to change a part or his whole body in to a mechanical contraption as long as he has the knowledge of creating the object.

I start to run away from him to think of a plan before acting, but then I turn around to find Uraraka captured by the villain.

"There's no way I'm leaving her there!"

Without thinking , I run full force ahead,I leaped and was prepared to punch him right in the face.

One For All 100% St. Louis Smash!
I kick him hard enough so that he could be sent flying back,he collapsed as he lost his balance.He turned back into his normal human self with bruises and a slightly disfigured face. I was starting to fall back on the ground,so I got into position ready to land,but then I felt a soft hand touch me on the cheek,before I knew it I was floating in midair and I slowly descended to the ground.

'I floated...wait does that mean...'

I turn around to find Uraraka smiling at me with all her fingers connecting to one another.

"Thanks for saving me again Deku,I really appreciate it!"

"It's okay,I should be thanking you for making me float,but you didn't have to."

"Well, I had to repay you in some way, sorry for making you float without asking,but I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you."

  At that moment, I was strucked by the feeling of deja vu, I instantly start blushing,trying to hide it as best as I can.

Uraraka's POV
  I immediately realised what I said after seeing Deku blush.

  'Oh no that was embarrassing...'

"Umm...well Uraraka...I have somewhere else to be,see you around?"

"Uh...yeah sure! I have somewhere else to be too,uhh...bye!"

  I run past Deku's direction to escape the awkwardness,but as I took a step forward I felt a slight numbness in my ankle. I lost my balance and started to fall forwards. I was expecting the hard concrete road to meet my face at any moment,but instead,I felt Deku's arms wrapped around my waist,catching me before I fell. He helped me steady myself and I sat down,I took of my boot and found a huge bruise and several cuts near my ankle.

"What the...ow!"

'When did I get hurt,did the villains catch me off guard?'

I tried to stand up when Deku stopped me.

"Uraraka,don't stand up it'll only feel worse,let me take you to the hospital,the doctors will heal you up there."

"But Deku,the hospital is really far away,you'll be late to where you have to be,just leave me here and..."

"No buts! You're more important and I want to make sure your safe,what kind of hero would I be if I didn't help those in need,besides,it's okay if I'm late,come on I'll carry you."

Deku leaned forward to get into a good position.I wrap my arms around his neck and he held my legs up.He activated his quirk and we started zipping through the streets.

' didn't have to do this...he's such an amazing person,he's kind and caring,he's never afraid to put people before him,just like in the entrance exams for UA,he saved me even though there was a chance he would fail. Even before he became a hero,he's always pushed himself to do his best and help others. Though he might be timid sometimes,he's a person who isn't afraid to stand up for himself. I guess that's why I have such a big crush on him.'
I wrap my hands around him even tighter than before,closing my eyes as we make our way to the hospital.

Midoriya's POV
I felt Uraraka's hands wrapped around me even tighter then earlier,I start to feel a bit awkward and start blushing a bit.

'Her hands are so soft,she gives of such a calming aura,whenever she's around rescuing civilians,she always seems to make them calm down no matter how bad the situation is. She's tried so hard to help those in need,she cares for the people close to her and though she's always enthusiastic all the time,she's also a kind and selfless person. She's an amazing hero and friend. This must be why I feel this way about her.'

'Should I tell her how I feel?'
'Should I tell him how I feel?'

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