Explanation of Some Things

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Hey there! As expected this isn't an extra story chapter! Think of it as a sort of update, first off let me thank you for reading my fanfic honestly I didn't even think it would get noticed at all so a huge thanks for reading this,second of all, I've been working on side stories for this fanfic as well as a next generation fanfic, I've also been working on a Todomomo story so I'm sorry if it's taking a really long time for me to upload a new story, please bear with me. I'll have the first chapter of the next gen fanfic next week or earlier, but keep in mind updates will be slower since I'm really busy with school work so yeah that's all for now, I hope to see you guys in my next upcoming fanfic! Once again thanks for reading!!!
P.S. In case you want to know, the next gen fanfic I'm working on is called:
My Hero Academia: Second Stand!( Next Generation)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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