Moving In and Text Messages

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This one isn't in the form of texting, it's in story format. Just letting you know in case you get confused.

Tyler called an uber to come to pick him up and take him to Josh's house. It was weird thinking that he wasn't going to live in his old childhood house anymore. Tyler got a text, but he ignored it. He slipped his phone back in his pocket and stared out of the window.

"But what if the text is from Josh?" He thought.

Tyler picked up his phone again and unlocked it, looking to see the message was from his mom. He got a sick feeling in his stomach. He was scared. 

How could you do this? You mean so much to us. The choices and actions you make affect us, too. Please come back, we can fix you.

Tyler broke down crying, earning a sympathetic look from the driver, but it stayed silent still. The air seemed thin and Tyler found it hard to breathe. 

"Are you alright back there?" The man driving asked genuinely. "Do you need anything?"

"I don't wanna make you listen to all my problems..." Tyler replied breathily. 

"If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to," The driver spoke softly. "But I want to listen. Sometimes talking about it helps, y'know."

"I just..." Tyler hesitated. "I'm from a very religious... and... homophobic family. I told my parents I'm... um... gay. My mom keeps saying she can 'fix me' or that I 'made the wrong choices.' So, they kicked me out. I'm heading over to my boyf- um... friend's house."

"Oh," The driver nodded. "Well, your friend seems like a great kid. He's lucky to have a friend like you. Call me if you ever need anything, kiddo."

The driver gave Tyler his card and stopped. Tyler realized then that they had arrived at Josh's house.

"Thanks..." Tyler read the card. "Ronan."

"No problem," Ronan tipped his hat. "See ya, kid."

Tyler stepped out of the car with his belongings and his phone in his pocket. Josh opened the door and saw Tyler on the sidewalk. Immediately, Tyler dropped his things and ran to Josh, practically jumping into his arms.

Tyler broke down and started sobbing into Josh's shirt as Josh kissed his head and murmured reassurances into Tyler's ear. Soon, they regained themselves and headed inside.

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