7- Brittney + Back to School For Ryder

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**********September 8th, 2008 7:15 A.M.***********

(Hunter's POV)

I opened my eyes to see the early morning sunshine, seeping through the curtains. I yawn and try to sit up. I can't because of something weighing me down. Looking down at my chest, I see a sleeping Ryder.

She came in last night because of a nightmare.

After yawning once again, I look at the time.

Crap! Me and Ryder have to be at school by 7:30!

I start slowly shaking Ryder, trying to wake her up.

"Ryder, get up! It's 7:15 and we need to leave in 10 minutes or we'll be late!"

She opened her eyes and yawned.

"What time is it?" she asked.


"Crap!" Ryder jumped out of bed, and hopped her way over to her bag of clothes.

I think it's stupid that she has to go to school, today. She just woke up from a minor concussion coma yesterday, and probably has some symptoms. Ryder is easily upset, and our school isn't exactly the place for sensitive or shy kids. That's one of the reasons I have no friends.

I get out of bed and run to my dresser, grabbing out random clothes. Once I've grabbed my clothes, I rush over to the bathroom. Just as I get to the door, Ryder hops passed me and closes the door.

"Darn it, Ryder," I say with a chuckle.

"Sorry, you snooze you lose," she replied with a giggle.

"I was the first one awake. That means that you snoozed. So you should've lost."

"Smart Alec," she teased.

She came out a few moments later with a hair brush in her hand.

"Beat that time," she challenged with a playful smirk.

"Fine. I will," I accepted, putting on a smirk of my own.

(Ryder's POV)

While Hunter was getting dressed, I made my way to the entryway where my shoes were. Once the entryway was in my sight, I noticed two long pieces of metal leaning up against the door.

What the?

As I got closer, I noticed what they were; crutches. Taped to them was a note. I sat down beside them, took it off, and read it.

For Ryder,

I figured these would help you get around better and make school easier. Me and Leo looked through the garage to find them before we went to work. I hope they help you!


Aw, how sweet!  I thought.

I set the note down next to me, and slip on my shoes. Just as I finish tying my second shoe, Hunter comes out of the hallway, with his backpack on his shoulder, and mine in his left hand.

"Ready?" he asked.


Hunter walks over to me and offers me his free hand. I grab it, and he helps me up.

"Thank you, Mr. Hayes," I thank.

"You're welcome, Miss Cason." He gives me a sideways smile, and I melt inside.

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