Chapter Ten

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so I've updated the playlists a bit, so if you wanna check that out, go ahead!

Ch. 10

My lashes fluttered open, my eyes adjusting to the light after a while. my fingers had found my glasses, putting them on. I sat up slowly, sighing as I realized my mother would be coming home soon. I got out of bed, surprised to find Ed's dirty clothes tossed in a corner, just like he always used to do. I smiled at the thought of him. he was so broken, suffering from an illness I wasn't sure I could help him with. he was always so calm and relaxed with me, he wasn't anything like who he was last night.

My attention was brought to the sound of the front door being shut loudly.

"Mum?!" I called, walking out to find my mum beneath some random man, my face scrunched up in disgust. how could she?! dad was dead, sure, but just randomly sleeping with a man I knew nothing about?! I watched in utter heart break, my bottom lip trembling as I bit back my sobs, tears welling up in my eyes. I gasped as his dark blue eyes found mine, looking me up and down before speaking.

"I didn't know you had a daughter" were the words spoken by the black black haired man currently on top of my mother. it was then I realized all i had on was Ed's shirt. he chuckled, eyes staring at me in a dark manor as I tried tugging Ed's shirt further down, covering my knickers.

"she's cute Lillian" he mumbled.

"leave, now" my mum ordered, glaring at me. I froze, looking at her desperately, terrified of the male she had with her as he continued to stare at me with dark eyes.

"please, mum" I begged in a shaky voice, hoping she'd get rid of him. I could feel my heartbeat racing a mile a minute.

"leave us, now" she ordered the male, he chuckled, nodding as he walked out the front door. I looked to the floor in shame as my mother made her way upstairs to me.

"Mum, please, I-" she cut me off, slapping me hard across the face. I held my left cheek, it was warm, throbbing in pain. I hated myself for letting her do that to me.

"you'll be seeing a lot more of him. so you better start wearing clothes, if you so much as touch him, I'll beat the shit out of you" she slurred. I nodded at the floor.

"I hate you" she muttered in disgust. I gasped as she pushed me to the cold wood floor. whimpering in pain when she kicked me in the stomach.

"listen to me Avery, you don't get to look at me like you did! Don't You Ever Do That!" I sobbed quietly, nodding as I held myself, eyes shut closed.

"go to your room" she glared. I tried my best to get up as fast as I could, but I could only manage to crawl to my room, my stomach was hurting bad at the moment. I closed my door after I made it in my room, curling up into a ball on my floor.

"Avery?!" I whimpered, hearing Edwards voice, the sound of him falling through my window. my breath was shaky and ragged, like I was having a panic attack, my asthma kicking in.

"E-Ed, i-inhaler" I stuttered in shallow breaths. the sound of my drawers being open and shut could be heard as I tried to calm my heavy breaths, my throat closing on me.

"Avery, baby, I-I can't find it" I heard his shaky voice mutter. I gasped for air, laying on my back, trying my hardest to calm my breathing. I had a few asthma attacks when I was younger, some of them were caused by Edward, it was usually when he'd try kissing away my bruises or cuts from my mother's harsh hits. he didn't know because I always tried hiding the reason it happened, he always thought it was because of him hurting me when he'd kiss my body.

"just listen to my voice, baby" Ed's deep voice mumbled, he was always so calm when he helped me, he'd gotten used to it I'm assuming. holding my face in his hands and pressing his forehead to mine, desperate, metallic green eyes held mine.

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