Chapter 37

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I watch as Harry gets up from the table with his guitar and climbs the few stairs on the side of the stage. He sits down on the stool in the center, placing his guitar on his lap as he fumbles with the microphone in front of him.

"Hello," he says into it, before tapping on it a few times. "My name is Harry Styles. You might remember me from last week." A few people cheer, which makes him let out a small laugh. I have missed his laugh. I've missed his voice. And the realization that I'm going to hear him play for the very first time ever, gives me goosebumps, and he hasn't even started yet. "This song I'm going to play for you right now, was written for the same girl I wrote last week's songs. If you missed last week, I have a cd you can buy. It's only five dollars."

My heart is racing in my chest at the thought that maybe I'm the girl he's talking about. The reminder of Maddy telling me that he had a folder on his computer full of songs written about me. I can only hope that I will finally hear one of them and it won't be about how much he hates me now.

"So, Jayde, if you're out there, this one's for you," he says, making my heart stop completely as he starts to pick at the strings. "It's called Anymore.

Sitting on a hill,
Staring at the stars
where I'm close to her
but oh, she's so very far

Wish upon, wish upon
Don't know where she has gone
But I wish I may, I wish I might
that she'll come back to me tonight

All of the stars, they brought me to her
This city has lights, but not twinkle lights
I'd give anything to go back in time

The stars are just not gonna do it
The comfort they brought, has no meaning
Can I have my wish?
for her to come back to me
Ohhh, come back to me,
Don't make me wish

My feet start moving across the floor, slowly as I make my way to the center of the room. I can't take my eyes off of him. This song, his words. Everything that he is, I'm completely enraptured with. He's wishing I'm here with him tonight, and I want nothing more than to show him I'm here. Cautiously, hesitantly, as slowly as possible, I'm making my way through the tables to be closer to him.

"Oh, wish...wish....wish

We made love under twinkle lights
And she took my breath away
Because the stars, they were in her eyes
Are they still there?

She left on a journey to move passed the lies we told
But all I can do, is wish upon stars that we'll grow old
Together, just her and I
And the stars
Does she believe? Still believe in us?

It's at this moment, his eyes meet with mine. His strumming slows and his lyrics soften, and I can't decipher the look on his face. All I know, is that he's looking right at me and there's tears in my eyes, because this song is so wonderful, he's wonderful.

"The stars are just not gonna do it
The comfort they brought, has no meaning
Can I just have my wish?
For her to come back to me

Oh, don't make me wish
don't make me wish
don't make me wish
on the stars

There's a small applaud, but otherwise the whole place is silent. I can feel the eyes of everyone on me, as if the way Harry looks at me, makes them understand that I'm the girl he wrote that song for.

"Looks like my wish came true," he says quietly into the mic.

He jumps off the stage and hands his guitar, to who I now know for sure is Elizabeth, now that I see her face. It's the same girl he was with this afternoon. He stands in front of me. His closeness is more intense than I've ever felt before, giving me flashbacks to the very beginning of all of this. The way he looks at me in that extraordinary way, the passion in his eyes, as if he's seeing a ghost, like he doesn't believe I'm really here with him.

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