23:Bowling Alley

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Morgan's POV

I leave the minimal make up I have on, but change into a different outfit.

I take my hair down and let my natural waves be free

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I take my hair down and let my natural waves be free.

I grab my phone and head downstairs to find Daniel leaning against the counter, talking to Jonah

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I grab my phone and head downstairs to find Daniel leaning against the counter, talking to Jonah.
"Hi." I say softly. I didn't want to interrupt them so I waiting until they stopped talking. Daniel turns around and smiles at me.
"You ready?" He asks. I nod, and he extends his hand. I gladly take it and we walk out of the house.
"Where are we going?" I ask curiously.
"It's a surprise!" He says giddily, looking over and smirking at me.
"Can I play music?" I ask quietly.
"Sure." He says happily. I'm glad he's in such a good mood. I put on 'Like That' by Bea Miller.
I begin to sing. I feel Daniel's eyes on me so I stop singing.
"I like hearing you sing." I turn my head to him and he's looking at the road, smiling like the goof he is. I start to sing again, toying with my hands. I see him smile at me out of the corner of my eye. I look at him and he grabs my hand. I rest it on my leg looking down at it and up again. I smile softly. Daniel turns into a large parking lot. I look over at the building and smile. We're going to a bowling alley. I see him looking at me hopefully and I smile at him.
"How did you know I love to bowl?" He smiles his toothy smile, allowing me to see his little gap. His smile alone makes me so happy.
"I have my ways." His smile turns into a smirk and we walk towards the building together.
"I hope you like bowling alley food." He says cheekily and I nod.
"Thank you." I say happily.
"For what?" He say. I know he's confused
"For making me so happy." I say, smiling softly. He pecks my nose, and I giggle. Once we are set up at our lane and have a pizza order in, we begin to bowl. Of course, I demolish Daniel. The night is full of laughter as we joke around and have fun. When we're done, we return our shoes and head out to Daniel's car.
He walks me to my side and me being the clumsy person I am, I trip over my own foot. Daniel catches me, and we are now closer than ever. I look into his beautiful eyes and he leans in and I do as well. I internally scream when I feel his lips on my. He kisses me, a sweet meaningful kiss as my stomach does flips.
Almost immediately, it's set it in stone, I love Daniel Seavey.
"I love you." He mumbles sheepishly. I smile the biggest smile I have smiled in a long time.
"I love you to."

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