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"Well you broke your leg and Miss. Adler, May I ask what these bruises on ur body our from?" The doctor asks

"Ugh, I play field hockey, and it gets really rough?" I say

"Oh, well your good to go, let me just put this cast on." He says

" Can I be the first one to sign your cast?" Jack asks as we go to the car.

"Sure." I say

He grabs a sharpie out of the glove box and signs

feel better nor

"Thanks." I say
"Jack thank you for everything, you really saved me." I say while getting out of the car

"No problem. See ya tomorrow." He says before pulling away
I walk in the front door with my step dad standing their with his arms crossed.

"Where the fuck were you!" He says while walking up to me

"Iiiiii had field hockey, and I got hurt so I went to the hospital." I stutter out


"Now your gonna get the pain." He says

He grabs me by my hair and takes me to the bathroom and turns on the shower

"No please not the water!" I yell while tears come out of my eyes

"Hell Yeah the water!" He yells

He waits until the water is steaming, and our shower gets extremely, extremely, hot.

He thro s me in the shower and holds me right under the water.

I yell in pain and after five minutes he pulls me out of the shower and drops me on the floor.

"NOW YOU KNOW NEXT TIME DONT GO OUT!" He says before running out the door.

I walk in my room slowly because everything hurts.

I grab my razor and begin cutting my arm, over and over, and I feel the blood going down my arm.

"I'm done with everything! I want to die!" I yell in tears

I grab my phone and call my grandparents.

" hi no no! How are you?" I say

"Grandmom, put the phone on speaker and call grandpa over." I say

"Ok sweetie." She says and does so

"Ok no no we're on, what's up?" She says

" I love you guys so much." I say

"We Love you too what's wrong?" She says

"I love you guys, with all my heart." I say before hanging up

I hold on to the heart locket that has a picture of my mom, dad and little sister on it.

"I'll be with you guys in an hour." I say

I grab my bike and ride to the building.

I make my way to the top and step on the edge.

I start to lean over and begin to jump when someone pulls me back.

"NO! NORA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" The person says

I turn around and it's jack.

"Nora!talk to me!" He says

I erupt in tears and just hug him and lay my head in his shoulders and cry.

"I'm so sorry." I say while crying

"You have nothing to apologize for." He says

He wraps his arms around me, and picks up my arm and brings my sleeve up.

"Nora have you been cutting yourself?" He asks

"I'm sorry!" I yell

"Nora, anytime, you feel this way again. Tell me, and I'll be there in a heartbeat." He says while running his fingers down the cuts.

"ok." I say

"Now tell me what's been going on?" He says while I sit in his lap.

"Everything! I miss my mom, and my dad and little sister. My step dad beast the shit out of me on a daily and I'm getting bullied and abused by everyone, and I just couldn't handle, everything, I wanted it all to end!" I yell before erupting in more tears.

"Nora, that's horrible." He says

"Those bruises on my body! From my step dad! Th cuts on my head! My dad! The burns! My dad! Everything!" I yell

"Nor, don't your grandparents live across the street?" He asks

"Yes." I say

"Move In with them." He says

"Maybe." I say

"Jack?" I say

"Yes." He says

"Thank you." I say

"No prob." He says
Kinda depressing, but anyways goodnight!

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