9: When Spring Ends

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Kousei left the hospital with his trophy and his certificate. He also had something else: a letter and an invitation. He wasn't ready to accept the fact. However, it was the fact so he had to accept it no matter what. He sat down on a bench in the park that was located across his house. It was where he first met Kaori. He never expected her to ask him to be her accompanist the next day. He never expected her to be this important in his life. He left the trophy and the certificate next to him and slowly opened the letter that was sealed with a cat sticker. Slowly, he started to read the letter.

Dear Kousei Arima,

It feels weird writing a letter to someone you were just with...

You're the worst.

The first time I ever saw you perform, I was 5 years old. It was at a recital for the piano school I was going to. This awkward, clumsy kid came onto the stage and accidentally hit the piano stool with his back. It was too funny. He turned to the piano that was way too big for him and the moment he played that first note, I was drawn in.

The sound was beautiful, like a 24-colour palette. The melodies danced.

Suddenly the girl next to me started crying which was a big surprise.

And even so, you gave up the piano. Even though it totally changed other people's lives. You're the worst.

When I found out that we were in the same middle school, I was desperate to become your friend. But how would I ever come to talk to you? Maybe I'd hang out at the lunch breaks. Instead, I just watched you. I mean, after all, you all seemed to get along so well. There wasn't really any space in there for someone like me.

When I was a kid, I had to have an operation and I started having to be at the hospital for regular check-ups. In the first year of middle school, I collapsed and I was sent to hospital over and over again. With every visit, I was there for longer and longer. Really, I barely spent time at school in a class but spent more time at the hospital. And I knew something was wrong with my body.

One night, I saw my parents crying in the waiting room and I knew that my time was running out.

That's when I ran away.

I didn't want to bring my regrets with me to heaven, so I stopped holding back from what the things I always wanted to do. I wasn't scared anymore to get contact lenses. I ate what I wanted instead of always worrying about my weight. And I took the music with all its high and mighty notes and played it the way I wanted.

Please apologise to Watari for me... though I'm sure he's forgotten me by now. I hope he doesn't think about me for too long. Tell him that he was a good friend.

And please apologise to Tsubaki for me too. I want for there to be no hard feelings. And there was one thing I could never ask of her. To ask her directly to introduce the two of us. I don't think she would've had an answer for me.

After all, she was in love with you.

We all knew that.

I think the only people who didn't know were you and her.

Remember when we jumped off that bridge? The water was so cool and refreshing.

Remember when I cried and pleaded for you to become my accompanist? The sun was really hot then.

Remember when I told you insanely that we should start playing the song again? I wonder if the judges were annoyed by it.

Do you remember all these events, the events that made my life more enjoyable?

It's strange to be a musician. Every time I stand on stage, they're unforgettable scenes to me. But they're such little things.

It's weird, isn't it?

What do you think?

Do you think you'll remember me?

I wonder if I made it into your heart.

I wonder if you'll still remember me.

If you forget me, I'll just come back and...

No, I don't want to start over.

Please don't forget me.

Promise me you won't forget me.

I'm glad it was you.

I hope this reaches you, Kousei Arima.

I'm sorry I made you go through such hard times.

I'm sorry I forced you to play.

I'm sorry I was so selfish.

I'm so, so, so, so sorry.

I love you.

Thank you for everything.

Kaori Miyazono

Kousei looked up at the sky that was coloured in red and orange by the sunset. He closed his eyes and felt his tears again, dripping down his cheek and wetting his hands. He looked down. One by one his tears started to water the letter. He quickly closed it, put it back into the envelope and sealed it without the cat sticker that was smiling at him. Kousei wiped his tears off and stood back up and looked up to find someone in front of him. She seemed a bit upset.

"Yo." Tsubaki said and pointed at him. Kousei sniffed and stopped crying.

"Yo." He answered. Tsubaki moved next to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Tsubaki said. Kousei looked at her and saw that her eyes were tearing up as well.

"Thank you." Tsubaki looked at him. "Thank you Tsubaki." Kousei smiled a little and Tsubaki smiled back too, wiping her tears. Sakura petals were falling like snow and Tsubaki and Kousei were walking through the tight alleyway that was covered with tall, stone walls that divided the houses. Kousei knew that April would always come back. He knew that spring will always come back. Kousei knew that sakura petals would cover the trees again and he knew that every time these things happen, Kaori Miyazono won't be next to him on stage nor in his life.

(A/N): Hi everyone! Thanks for checking out my story and sticking with it until the very end! Kaori's letter was found on this website (I think it's the translated version from the actual anime) : http://miridesu.tumblr.com/post/110072094317/kaoris-letter-to-kousei-spoiler 

This chapter will be the end of this story. Thank you again for reading! Please vote and comment for anything that comes to your mind or any constructive feedback.

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