Des Irable Followers

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"Hey." Lilah says sitting next to me in first hour.  I smile to myself. She likes me. It may not exactly be the way I want, but she likes me. Butterfly's flitter in my stomach.

"Hello." I reply and automatically cringe. Why am I like this? Why couldn't I be blessed with social grace?

"So we have a problem." Lilah says spinning toward me so that her feet are in the aisle. I lift my eyebrow questingly.  "I only have 140 followers on insta and even less on snap. I need to get the word out more." She says in a frustrated tone.

"Sorry, I only have Instagram and I have a mere twenty followers. But, you know Des has like 15,000 followers. She could definitely get your message around the school, if not the city." I suggest.

"Are you seriously telling me to beg Des for help?" Lilah says crossing her arms.

"No. I am just letting you know that I think she is a good resource and if you convince her, then you have the following you desire." I say delicately.

"I'll think about it." She says spinning back so that she is facing the front of the classroom.

"Ahhh Ms.Carmichael, nice to see you again." Mrs. Davison says sitting down behind her podium. "Thank you for dressing school appropriate this morning." She continues as she scans the room taking roll call.

Lilah's first day back, which was yesterday, she wore a sundress that had spaghetti straps. Of course Mrs.Davison called her out on it. I don't understand why she cares so much about the dress codes, I mean no other teacher really does. I stepped in and said that Lilah could cover her shoulders with my jacket. I could tell that Lilah was not fond of the idea, but for whatever reason she went along with it. Maybe she realized that she couldn't run a revolution from home.

I glance at Lilah. Mrs.Davison must really not like her. She is relentless. Lilah's eyes are closed and she is taking deep breaths. She is drumming her fingers on her desk as if to distract herself from the burning rage. She suddenly stops. Lilah's eyes open and she smiles. "Mrs.Davison, I would like to make a formal apology to you and the class for my behavior a few weeks ago." Lilah begins standing up from her desk.

"I was wrong in reacting the way I did. I should not have disrupted education and harmed your ears with blasphemy. However, I will not apologize for wearing what I want. I will stand up for what I believe in and I believe that it is absolutely farcical that I am being reprimanded for wearing what makes me happy. I can not fathom an earnest reason as to why I should not wear what I want." Lilah says walking up to the front of  the class room. She ends looking Mrs.Davison face to face.

"First of all, you need to learn how to dress professionally. Secondly, you are here to show you're brains not you're body. Thirdly, it is simply distracting. I could go on Ms.Carmichael,
but I would rather let this matter rest so I can focus on the curriculum."

"First of all, I don't see any boys wearing dress shirts and slacks; so this dress code is not teaching us to dress 'professionally'.  Secondly, I am here to grow as a human being and discover what kind of adult I want to be in this world. I am not here to show off my brain or I wouldn't be graded on memorizing crap and taking standardized tests, which don't prove intelligence. Plus, wearing clothing that makes me feel good and shows off the parts of my body that I love, gives me confidence. Have you considered that it makes me feel ashamed to walk down to the principal's office and given an oversized, used sweatshirt? That shirt I bought and felt beautiful in is now at the back of my closet because I can't wear it. It is supposedly more important that I blend in and don't distract anyone than feel good about myself. We sit here scratching our asses wondering why our world is so dysfunctional. Maybe it is because our priorities are out of order. I could go on Mrs.Davison, but we should really focus on what is important." Lilah bites before pivoting and walking back to her seat.

Everyone is silent. Lilah knows how to carry herself and present her thoughts powerfully. She is smart. I know she is failing most of her classes, but she pays attention more than they give her credit for. She understands how people work. Lilah is persuasive because she knows how to make people listen. Maybe she doesn't need Des. She just might need the school intercom.

"Des!" I say running up to her.

"Hey!" Bright blue eyes and a smile greet me. "Oh. I know you! You have been hanging out with that Lilah chick, right?" She says trying to move along the conversation.

"I am. In fact, Lilah and I were just talking about how unfair it is that the cheerleaders have not had new uniforms in at least five years." I lie. Lilah could not care less about cheerleaders and to be honest, neither can I. After class I was going to ask what her next step was, but she was so revved up by Mrs. Davison that she told me to talk to Des and that she'd find me later.

"OMG! You guys noticed too?!" She says practically bouncing. In her excitement her shoulder brushed up against mine. My heart started racing and my mind started to wander.

"Yeah and we have a plan that will help you and your cheerleaders." I say bringing my thoughts back to task. It is a skill I have started to master.

The bell rings and the halls are empty. I still have Des' complete attention. I can already tell she will help.

I give her the run down and she already knew bits and pieces. I tried to spin it as if the school would have to put money into the uniforms to accommodate the need for exposed shoulders.

It turns out that Des had heard the story of Lilah being suspended, but it had turned into something false gossip. Apparently it is going around that before Lilah stormed out of the classroom and after she cussed out Mrs. Davison, she ripped off her shirt. "You want to see distracting!", Lilah supposedly screamed.

Des thought that our plan was far fetched, but she really wants new uniforms so why not try? Plus she said that she likes Lilah and thinks she is funny. Des also told me that Lilah standing up against the entire school administration is "totally baller". Basically, she agreed to use her platforms.

"I was thinking that Lilah should get on the intercom or something. She is really good at public speaking and I think that will also sway a lot of people." I say quickly before Des could retreat to second period. I think I am asking for too much. She already agreed to help. I just think she has connections that I need and can't get anywhere else.

"No one listens to the announcements." Des states looking at her nails disinterested. She looks up at me and continues, "However, we have a pep rally Thursday afternoon. I can get her a mic. It will be a lot harder to ignore her then." I see a slight glimmer in her eye. She is enjoying this. I can see through her facade.

Des is really nice and helpful up front, but I don't think I want to ask her for help again. She just gives me a weird vibe. I don't know for sure, but I think she would be the type to back stab me or use this help in the future as leverage. I can already see her calling me at three in the morning asking to help hide a body.

I was manipulating her for her power so I shouldn't act all high and mighty. I really hope that Des Irable lives up to her reputation and is a genuinely cool person.

"Your efforts won't be forgotten in the history books!" I say excitedly as I run off to find Lilah.

I want Lilah to succeed. I love her and to want her to be happy. Plus I am obviously still turned on by shoulders. It doesn't matter if they are near or far, exposed or covered. Mind as well not project the burden.

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