Character Development

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I am in love. It is ridiculous. Honestly, it is simply idiotic how I have allowed a single human being to alter my life so drastically. I used to be somewhat studious. Now I can't concentrate at school. I used to wear whatever was the easiest. Now I am waking up thirty minutes early just to have a sliver of style. I used to stay at home on the weekends. Now I am going to every party possible and each time I convince myself that I won't be a wallflower. I used to care what others thought, especially my parents, but recently I only care about Lilah Carmichael.

Some may say that she is clinically insane, but I like to think she just marches to the beat of her own drum. I remember the exact moment in which I fell head over heels for this girl.

It was first hour, Character Development, the only class I have with Lilah. I never paid attention to her before, but she is not the type that stays unnoticed.

"This is bullshit." She said standing up from her desk.

"Lilah, watch your mouth." Mrs.Davison warned from her podium as Lilah stormed off towards the door.

"I'll fucking say whatever I damn well please, bitch." She spit as she walked out of the classroom. The door slammed shut and everything was silent. Mrs.Davison shook her head and wrote something down.

I don't know what made me do it. Curiosity? Boredom? Whatever it was, I slid out from my desk and walked out the classroom door. I go unnoticed. I am not brilliant, but I'm not stupid. I'm not ugly, but I'm not gorgeous. I tend to just blend in. I'm okay with blending in. I can get away with a lot of shenanigans.

I made my way down the hallway. Lilah must have been really fired up because she was walking twenty miles an hour. I was in my own little world so I had no idea what sparked her explosive response. I couldn't catch up with her, but she wasn't so far that I'd lost sight of her.

"Hey, Lilah! Cute top!" Des complimented as they passed each other. Lilah turned and stuck up both of her middle fingers.

"Fuck you too." Des said blowing a bubble with her gum, unfazed. I couldn't help but to smirk. Who even is Lilah? She is seriously the only person I have ever seen who can charge through life so gracefully. Her actions should be offensive, but some how Lilah makes them charming.

Des Irable is valued highly. For what ever reason all the girls in the school listen to her opinions and follow her lead. This only makese more people care about her. I suppose she is like the Kardashians, people only care about them because other people care about them.

Lilah turned the corner and I heard a door open and slam shut. She has left the building. I quickly made my way out the front door of the school. I didn't have a plan. I like to think that I wouldn't stalk her. If I ended up catching up to her, I had no idea what to say or do.

Once I was outside I scanned the parking lot. No sign of her. I was about to give up and go back to class when I heard, "Hey! You gotta car?" I turned to the origin of the voice. Lilah was leaning against the brick wall looking at her phone.

I glanced around me just to be sure that she was in fact talking to me. "Yeah." I answered after a second.

"You want to give me a ride to Permanent Marker? Its off 23rd by that laser tag place." She casually asked.

"Why not?" I replied with a shrug.

"Great." She said pushing off the wall and sliding her phone into her back pocket. I lead her to my car. We walked in awkward silence. My brain started to object my spontaneity. I'd ditched before, that was not why I was nervous. I was freaking out because of Lilah Carmichael. 'Don't make a fool of yourself. Be cool. Be interesting.' I chant in my head.

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