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One Of A Kind

Chapter Eighteen

Not Edited

~ Sage Preston's POV ~

I walked towards the shouting, nervous on what I was going to walk into. I honestly had no idea what it could be.

I could tell that May was the one receiving my father's wrath from the way her voice broke as she yelled back at her.

Kevin and Devin stood awkwardly in our kitchen watching.

"What's going on?" I whispered but they completely ignored me, to enthralled in the fight in front of them.

When I reached the living room, I could see Eric and Marilyn watching from their bedroom doorway.

Nobody was butting into the conversation and the looks on everyone's faces told me that this was serious. Really serious.

"If that is how you feel, then you are not my daughter" Dad yelled.

"Adam!" Mom gasped.

"What the hell is going on?" My anger seeping into my voice. May was my twin. I spent 9 months in the womb with her and I've spent the past 18 years sleeping 5 feet away from her. Whatever Dad is angry about, he has no right to treat her like this. And I'll be damned if I let him.

"Did you know about this, Sage?" Mom asked quietly. She didn't seem as upset and disheveled as Dad.

"Know about what?" I frowned at her. "But that doesn't even matter. What could be so bad that you don't want her as your daughter anymore? What the hell is going on with you, Dad?"

"Did you know that she's a lesbian?" Dad asked. Making Mom's question more clear.

Did you know that she's a lesbian?

The question rang through the air and the room fell silent, despite May's sobs.

May was a lesbian, I thought to myself.

Did I know she was a lesbian? Should I have known? She's my sister. My twin sister and she... she didn't even tell me.

Maybe I should have known. She's never had a boyfriend, despite the trail of guys that worship her. I've never even heard her talk about a guy. Her crushes were all nameless and vague. And...

Did she have a girlfriend?

"Sage" Dad's voice boomed, breaking me from thought which made me panic to reply.

"I thought she was American"

Dad's eyes burned into mine as he took in my panic joke. He was obviously angry and I could hear Eric snickered from my left.

"Oh god" One of the triplets groaned from the kitchen.

But May's laugh made me happy. At least I cheered her up a bit.

"It's not the time for your jokes, Sage" Dad growled out.

"Why not?" I challenged him. "You're making this a big deal. She's a lesbian. So what? I didn't know you were that homophobic, Dad"

"I'm not homophobic. I don't care about other people. Just not my daughter" Dad tried to defend himself but it didn't help.

"Why not? What if it was one of your sons? Would it matter then? Would you disown one of your male children? Or only the women get that treatment?" I don't know why I played this card, but I did. Dad always had that mentality. The boys could never do wrong. They could do what they want, when they want. You know. As long as they played football.

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