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One Of A Kind

Chapter Twenty-Four

Not Edited

~ Sage Preston's POV ~

It was 4 in the morning and I was laying back against the uncomfortable waiting room chair, waiting for someone to come tell us what was going on.

We had been at the hospital for an hour already.

Sky was curled up in Dad's lap, fast asleep along with Kaia. At least someone is going to have a normal relationship with him.

Kevin and Devin were slumped against each other on the floor in the corner. It was obvious that they were drunk since they has also been at the lake party and on FaceTime with who I assume was Marc.

Matt, Brielle and River were across from Dad. Brielle was snoring softly against Matt's shoulder and I couldn't stop the jealousy that rushed through my veins.

Everyone in my family got easy, cliche love. Except me.

Piper and May were near me. Quietly whispering to each other. I could tell that May was nervous about this situation. Dad obviously did not approve but gladly he didn't say anything.

Mom, Summer and Anthony were in the delivery room along with Eric and Ms. Gomez. Of course, Marilyn was in there giving birth as well.

"Sage?" May whispered and I sluggishly looked towards her. I was so tired and slightly hungover. "What happened with you and-"

"I don't want to talk about it" I grumbled.

"Please, Sage. You can't keep everything bottled up like this. You've been miserable the past 2 months" May groaned and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not miserable" I snapped.

Before May could speak, 4 people ushered into the waiting room. Worry evident on their faces.

"What's going on?" Dad questioned, careful not to wake up either of the girls.

"I don't know. The baby wasn't coming out and then the monitors started making noises" Summer mumbled frantically. Her voice told us that she was close to crying.

"It's going to be alright, Sunshine" Tony wrapped his arms around Summer.

"They think it might have something to do with the accident" Mom spoke up from next to Ms. Gomez.

The rooms atmosphere changed immediately.

"What do you mean? Nothing happened when Kaia was born" Matt sat up, waking Brielle in the process. "Sorry honey"

"Kaia was premature. She wasn't as big as this baby" Ms. Gomez sounded tired and afraid.

"Oh god" Matt rubbed his free hand over his face.

"It's not your fault Matt" Summer spoke softly and he waved her off.

"I know that, Summer. It's just... What are they going to do?" Matt asked the question we were all wondering.

"We don't know. They told us we all had to leave. The only reason they let Eric stay was because it would have been harder to get him out of the room" Mom sat next to Dad.

"All we can do is wait" Summer sighed.

"And pray" Ms. Gomez added in.

So that is exactly what we did. We waited and waited. Pastor Caruso even stopped by to speak with us. It was a bit unsettling at first but he assured us that he was just passing through and heard the Preston family was gaining a new addition.

Funny story, Kevin, Devin and Marc's childhood best friend, Thea Caruso, was born on the same day in this hospital a few minutes apart. Pastor Caruso and Dad sat in the waiting room together actually.

Finally, at 5:34 am, Eric Jr. Preston was born.

"Everything's okay" All of our heads raised at Eric's voice.

"Eric-" Eric smiled through his tears, showing that everything was fine.

"They had to do an emergency c-section but she's okay. Marilyn's okay. Eric's okay too" Eric laughed through his tears.

"You talking about yourself in the third person now, man?" Tony grinned at his brother in law as he stood up to congratulate him.

"Eric's my son, man" Eric let out a breathy laugh and hugged Tony back.

"You named your kid after yourself? How conceited" Summer joked, despite her tears.

We all stood up to congratulate him, one by one. We were all so happy and excited and for the moment I forgot all about Benjamin Prescott.

"Congrats big bro" I laughed as I gave him a side hug.

"Thanks, Sage. Want to hear something crazy? He looks exactly like you" Eric smiled. "Your hair and your eyes"

"He's an infant, Eric. I doubt any of that is accurate. Especially since you're still teary eyed" I teased him.

"Shut up" Eric laughed. "I'm serious though. You're not the only one to look like that in our family anymore, Sage"

In that moment, I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders. Being the outcast of my family had been something I had been carrying for so long. But now I wasn't alone anymore.

"Marilyn wants to see Kaia. I don't think the doctors want too many people visiting her, so maybe you all should go home and rest. Come back in a few hours" Eric picked up his daughter from where she sat in Ms. Gomez's lap. "Except for you. Marilyn also wants to see her Mom"

Dropping into my bed after the night I had just had never felt so good.

The Benjamin drama and the birth of my nephew had made me want to pass out. So that's exactly what I did. I didn't even have a chance to change out of my clothes.

But in my hazy half-asleepness, I was able to see my phone buzzing with a picture of Benjamin's face on it.

It didn't really matter though. Even if I was awake, I wouldn't have answered it.

a u t h o r s   n o t e

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of One Of A Kind! The births in this series are very hard to manage haha! I already have the Preston family tree written out so I keep forgetting when I should introduce new pregnancies and stuff lol Also! A little mention of the main character of the next book in the Preston series, Thea Caruso! Once again, I apologize for the shorter chapter! Next chapter will be the chapter that closes all plotholes! So stay tuned! Only 2 chapters left! Tell me which chapter you would like to see in Benjamin's POV

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