What Did I Miss?

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When we arrive back in New York City, I immediately flop onto my bed and sleep. By the time I wake again, it's already four in the afternoon. I quickly change out of my sooty, red dress and into a pretty, soft yellow gown with sleeves that go down to my wrists.

I bound down the stairs to the first floor of the house where I run directly into John Laurens. "Oh hi," I greet with an embarrassed smile, stopping on the last step.

Laurens gives me an amused smile before giving me a nod in greeting. "Miss Schuyler," he says before walking past.

I wince to myself as I step down from the stairs and head towards the kitchen. When I open the kitchen door, I find two servant girls kneading dough on the marble countertops. I look to my right where the oven and a small, wooden table are and spot Mrs. Washington and Angelica at the stove murmuring about something as they gaze into the oven.

"I don't think it's quite done yet," Martha says as she shuts the oven. They both turn away from the oven, and their eyes land immediately on me.

I give them a sheepish smile as I wave a hand. "The general is coming home tonight, right?" I ask. What I really mean is, is Hamilton coming back?

Martha nods with a small smile. "He is. We're making a cherry pie for them."

"That's a great idea!" I exclaim with a smile. "Sorry I wasn't able to help," I add with a wince.

Martha waves a dismissive hand. "No worries, you had a long trip, and I heard about the Saratoga fire. I expected you'd be exhausted." She offers me a kind smile.

I smile at her gratefully.

The next couple of hours pass in slow motion. I find myself wandering around in the gardens, a winding maze of hedges and flowers, and in the house, occasionally sitting down for a few minutes before I have to get up to relieve my building energy.

It's boring and tiring. By the time it's six o' clock, I'm so happy I feel as if I might throw up. Which is a strange feeling. So I walk out the front door and wait around in the large front yard as I constantly watch the bustling streets for a certain three horses.

I thought I was being discreet with how eager I was to see Hamilton, but I guess I wasn't because when I finally go to walk back inside, I hear Martha say from the living room in a knowing voice to Angelica, "The poor thing is just dying to see him. I forgot how enjoyable and funny it is to watch them like this."

I frown as I stop in the doorway. She's acting as if I've met Hamilton before. I know I've felt a distinct feeling as though we've met, but I've always dismissed it as implausible. I mean, I'm from the twenty-first century!

And how mortifying that she's noticed my eagerness! I have to be more discreet about it; not so obvious. I don't want to be that annoying girl obsessing over some guy. And over a boy she's just met!

The sound of horse hooves clattering on cobblestones stops me in my tracks as everything leaves my mind but the thought that they're finally here!

I turn to face the street, but my dress catches on the edge of the doorframe, and I stumble down the front stairs, hearing the distinct sound of fabric ripping as I fall. I reach the bottom and barely manage to catch myself on a white pillar before I can fall to the ground.

I let out a breath as I quickly fix my hair and smooth my dress, but when I look up, Hamilton is already standing in front of me with an amused smile on his face. "Nice trick with the whole falling on the stairs action," he teases, and my face drains with mortification.

"You saw that?" I ask with disbelief, and Hamilton lets out a loud laugh as he hooks his arm around mine and starts pulling me inside.

"Don't worry," he says, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I thought it was rather charming."

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