Bonus Scene!

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In honor of Hamilton coming to Disney+ 



Eliza sat curled up in the red armchair by the ice-glistened window, watching the soldiers outside dashing to and fro their respective duties. All of the soldiers wore their blue and buff uniforms underneath their black cloaks, but Eliza spotted a few of them with scraps for shoes and thin cloth for cloaks. 

And with this being the coldest winter in decades... Eliza shuddered. A pang of sympathy and compassion hit her at the sight of those poor men with insufficient clothing. After all they were doing for their country, they at least deserved warm, proper clothes. 

Eliza made a mental note to mention this to her Aunt Gertrude, who she was staying with for the winter. Her parents-- or more like her mother-- had sent her up here in the hopes that Eliza would find a man to settle with, hopefully a proper man with lots of money and good manners. 

Eliza stifled a smile. 

She'd found a man alright, but he was far from wealthy. He was practically penniless, but that didn't matter to Eliza. His charismatic personality and chivalry made up for his lack of money. 

Eliza finally spotted him dashing down the street-- probably from General Washington's headquarters-- his shin high, shiny black boots sinking deep into the powdery snow. 

Colonel Alexander Hamilton. 

Eliza could spot him from anywhere, what with his auburn colored hair and brilliantly blue eyes. And if all of those distinguishable features were hidden from sight, Eliza could tell it was Hamilton by his purposeful stride and occasional flirtatious gestures. 

Eliza tracked him with her eyes until he disappeared into another building, and she let out a sigh. The last time she'd been able to talk to him had been three days ago. It felt like years ago. 

"Eliza, what are you doing?" Aunt Gertrude asked from behind her, a frown evident in her voice. "No lady sits in a chair like that." 

Eliza hurriedly plopped back down onto the seat from where she had been sitting on her knees peering over the back of the chair, and faced forward in her seat. "I was only watching the soldiers, Aunt Gertrude," she replied innocently.  

Her aunt's frown only deepened, so in an effort to change the subject, Eliza hurriedly said, "Aunt Gertrude, some of the soldiers don't have adequate clothing. They will never survive the winter with such poor outfits. Isn't there anything we can do?" 

Her aunt's face softened at Eliza's words. "The army has little money, Elizabeth. We cannot afford proper clothing for each soldier." 

Eliza sat up a little straighter in her chair as she responded determinedly, "Perhaps we could make them a few pieces of respectable clothing and provide them with suitable shoes." 

Aunt Gertrude nodded encouragingly and supplied, "Yes, we do have enough money to support such an extravagant effort. You should speak with Mrs. Washington. She'll help you gain some support for your cause from the other ladies staying here in Morristown." 

Eliza beamed and stood up from her chair. "I will go see her now." 

She brushed past Aunt Gertrude into the front entryway where her blue cloak was hung on the cloak rack. She swung her cloak over her shoulders and clasped it at her collarbone before grabbing a pair of thick, wool gloves. 

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