The Battle of Yorktown

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After Tilghman informed Mrs. Washington and me of the news, the whole house jumped into chaos as all the aides and various soldiers and officers already in the house began packing their things. As Mrs. Washington and I make our way to the entryway, the house fills with excitement and joyous whoops. It's so suddenly crowded inside that it becomes hard to move around.

After months of little activity, the Continental Army was on the move. 

"The last final push," I heard many soldiers cheer as they pass me in the hallways.

My eyes raze my surroundings, trying to find Hamilton in this chaotic mess. When it becomes apparent that Hamilton isn't currently here, I shove my way past two soldiers to try to get to the front door. 

Mrs. Washington has to leave me, telling me that she needs to see to her husband.

"You should head back to your own lodgings," she suggests to me with a comforting pat on my shoulder before she departs my side, and I nod before making one final push through the horde to grab the front door handle.

I finally manage to swing open the door, and I practically throw myself out of the house. The door remains open as I walk out with an overwhelmed huff. I walk with purpose towards the street, intent on getting to my house in the case that he might possibly be at home.

"Eliza!" I hear a voice behind me call out as I'm walking down the gravel path that leads up to the house from the road. I turn around in time to see Hamilton jogging towards me, having been inside the house all along. "Why are you here?" he asks me as he comes to a halt before me. 

His eyes sweep my body as if making sure I'm okay.

"I was seeing Mrs. Washington," I tell him. "I didn't think you were here--" I trail off.

He smiles and says, "I've taken up my duties until Washington can find a replacement, but   Eliza--" His voice picks up in excitement "--I might be given a command at Yorktown."

"Really?" I exclaim, eyes widening in surprise as dread curdles in my stomach.

I try to make myself look happy for him, but I must've failed because he murmurs, "Oh, Eliza," before tugging me towards him. His breath brushes my ear as he whispers gently, "I promise to be safe. I'll come back." 

"You shouldn't keep promises you can't keep," I whisper back, allowing him to see the fear in my eyes as I draw away to look at his face.

He cracks a bittersweet smile before retorting, "Didn't you once say I end up doing something important in my life? Well, for me to do that, then I must live through this final push for victory."

I roll my eyes and give him a little push as I tell him, "Don't depend upon that. The past can change when the future influences it."

He catches my meaning and sombers up. "Don't worry about me, love," he assures me, brushing a finger across my cheek to wipe away a stray tear. "I'll write to you. Just like old times." 

He smiles at that, and I can't help but smile a little back. Before I can respond, he tilts his head down and kisses me. The kiss starts out gentle and loving before I deepen the kiss, my desperation and fear flaring through me. 

What if my presence has changed the future? What if Hamilton really ends up dying at Yorktown because I've instilled in him a false confidence that he will survive?

"Hamilton!" I hear someone shout, and we break apart. 

Both of our breathing is ragged as we stare at each other, and then Hamilton repeats to me, "I'll come back." He gives me one more kiss-- a goodbye-- before turning away and striding towards the stables.

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