Take a Break

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Shoutout to mckennarowell for being so nice and encouraging! You are the best!! (also don't read this chapter because I know you aren't caught up yet!)


"How long are you planning to stay?" I ask Angelica as we both sit in the living room, knitting. I have a whole plan on what I'm going to knit. I'm going to knit a cute little red hat and some soft socks for her baby.

My thoughts on my knitting plan are interrupted when Angelica answers, "I'm thinking about a week." 

This isn't as long of a visit as I would've liked, but I nod anyways. I'm grateful she's at least here. It's been too long since I've last seen her. 

Suddenly, the door opens, and Aaron Burr comes striding into the room. He stops at the sight of us, though, his face a picture of surprise when he catches sight of Angelica sitting on the armchair across from me. 

A gracious smile slides onto his face as he greets, "Mrs. Church, a pleasure to see you. I didn't know you were here. I must've been away when you arrived."

Angelica laughs amiably at this before she responds, "Yes, I arrived yesterday afternoon."

Burr dips his head as he replies, "Ah, yes. I was in town at that time." He pauses before saying, "I'll leave and let you two have the room." He dips his head in goodbye.

Angelica starts to object, but I put a hand on her arm in warning as I interrupt her, "Why that would be very much appreciated. Thank you, Colonel Burr."

He smiles politely-- but it looks a bit forced to me-- before he steps out of the room. When the door clicks shut behind him, Angelica turns on me with a disapproving look on her face. "That wasn't very polite, Eliza!" she scolds.

I feel a small twinge of shame, but then I remember what Burr does to Hamilton in the future, and all traces of shame vanishes. Instead, I shrug and reply nonchalantly, "I'm not much of a fan of Colonel Burr."

"And what has he done to you to earn this opinion?" Angelica demands disapprovingly.

"Nothing. He just rubs me the wrong way. Besides, if you had seen the look Burr gave Alexander when he arrived-" I begin.

"Of course he would look at Alexander in some sort of rude way. It seems almost half the population has some sort of grudge or dislike towards Hamilton because of his nature," Angelica interjects with clear exasperation. "You can't help but admit Alexander has no filter. He says his opinion passionately and that's that. He won't listen to much else."

"Hey-" I start defensively because I don't like it when people badmouth my Hamilton.

Angelica raises her hands in surrender. "I'm just saying," she says. "People either love or hate Hamilton. It's just how it goes. If you're set on being Hamilton's advocate and defender for the rest of your life, then you're going to have to develop a thicker skin than that."

I bite my lip as I look down at my lap at this, having realized the truth in her words. She's right. I do need to develop a thicker skin.

Suddenly, the door flies open, and I startle in surprise. A second later, our mother struts inside as she announces, "Eliza, Hamilton is here. You best come quick. He's not in the best shape."

My knitting materials fall from my hands and clatter loudly on the floor, my stomach dropping at her words. I sit there a moment in stunned silence before quickly sweeping up my materials and standing up. Angelica and I jump to our feet at the same time, and Angelica only has time to give me a worried look before I'm flying out of the room. I run through the house towards the front door, sidestepping and dodging several servants as I do.

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