Chapter 1

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"Slow down Chloe!" Keith groaned as his twin sister dragged him into the furniture store. "Nikolia doesn't know he's getting the kitchen of his dreams, I have to make sure we spend every second making sure its perfect." Keith rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. His phone buzzed and he already knew it was either Alexander or Donald. Alex and Donnie are some of the sexiest men Keith has ever laid eyes on and they want him, but he just can't get himself to cave.

After James he worries. James had hurt him and gone after his family. He doesn't want James to see that he was in love with the two stubborn men. He hasn't been with them but he fell in love with them during the two years they've pursued him. Unable to resist, he pulled his phone out. It was a picture of Alex and Donnie shirtless, sweaty, and at the gym. Crap, Keith thought. He hasn't had sex in almost three years, and his sexual frustration is through the roof and neither of them are helping his painful situation.

"Are you listening to me?" Chloe sighed. Keith felt his face become hot as a blush took over. Chloe snatched his phone. She smiled at the photo, "How have you not fucked these two yet?" Keith snatched his phone back, completely embarrassed. The women not far away were whispering and looking at them. Chloe obviously ignored them, but Keith couldn't. He hated being the center of attention. It's what kept him from being in sports like his siblings. He liked blending in, but his siblings and crushes, prevented that from happening.

"Gosh, I can't take you anywhere." He grumbled, his eyes down. Chloe rolled her eyes, "Come on Keith, live a little." He rolled his eyes, "I think I've lived enough." The shoot out at Abel's was enough living for him. His brothers didn't know it, but he actually killed a few that night. He wasn't going to cower with his family in danger, he was going to take out the threat. James was another story. He hasn't seen him since he left their apartment, but he had no problem targeting his family. It pissed him off, but he wasn't going to tell anyone that. Just like how no one knew he was taking self defense classes. We didn't want to rely on his family, he wanted to be able to rely on himself.

"When's the last time that little ass of yours has had a dick in it?" She asked him as if she was asking about the weather. Keith squeaked in embarrassment and covered her mouth with his hands. Which prompted her to lick his hand. He made a face of disgust as he wiped his hands on his sweater. He pushed his glasses up his nose, "You're disgusting."

She shrugged, "If you knew about the things I've done to Nikolia with my mouth-" He took the end of her scarf and shoved it in her mouth. There were many looking at them now. "Let's just try and get through this without any more information on your sex life, please." He begged her. He hadn't even wanted to come but he was lost on his new design for his architecture firm. He was designing a new mall and he was stuck. This project will make him famous if he's successful.

His sister thought she'd be able to help his inspiration by dragging him out of the house to do some shopping for her new house. She agreed with a roll of her eyes and he was thankful for that but he didn't see the smirk she had on her face. She was going to get him to spend time with his crushes, he just didn't know it.

After a couple hours of shopping she drove him to Donnie's bookstore. Keith's eyes widened, "Chloe!" "Get out of my car and go get laid." She told him, making a shooing motion with her hands. "I have to go in the opposite direction of your apartment and I don't have the gas." "You have a full tank!" He yelled. She smiled, "Don't make me call him and have him pick you up out of my car."

He knew she'd do it and Donnie would do just that. It's happened several times. Keith muttered curses as he got out of her car, slamming the door. He wasn't going to be getting any sleep after visiting them. His feet carried him inside. It had an antique look but it was very homey and comfortable. He loved it here, and the sexy men who lived upstairs were only an added bonus.

He felt Donnie's arms wrap around him, "I thought I smelled vanilla and cinnamon." One thing that was important to know about Donald is that he's blind, but he doesn't keep him from doing what he loves. Keith let out a squeak of surprise. Donnie was freshly showered with a slight scruff on his face the way Keith and Alexander liked him.

"So what brings you here Little Prince?" Donnie asked him curiously. He wanted to hear his shy voice that held a note of lust. Keith was firm yet soft. He kept his body in shape but he didn't want to be muscular like Alexander. Donnie wanted to taste him, see if he tasted just as good as he smelled. "Chloe and he quest to get me laid." He admitted. Donnie was able to hear a lie a mile away. He could hear when a person's voice changes slightly. Without his sight, he trained his other senses to pick up on the slightest of things.

Many depend on their sight. It's why when you're blindfolded you hear more than you could before. With your eyes you focus on different objects so it drowns out what else is around.

"We could easily fix that." Alexander said with a smirk as he came down the stairs, shirtless. Keith bit his lip and Donnie smirked at the slight whimper he heard Keith hold back. "Come on Little Prince." Donnie said, running his hand over the buckle of his pants. He felt the shift in Keith's pants as he hardened.

Suddenly his phone rang. Keith dug it out of his pocket, "It's work, I gotta...." He didn't finish as he left to take the call. Donnie sighed and Alexander wrapped his arms around him. "We got to give him time." Alexander said trailing his lips up his neck. Donnie nodded, "I know." Donnie knew about what happened so he wouldn't push Keith, he just hoped his siblings kept pushing him.

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