Dr.O and Otto

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These two were requested :) 

Me: "Dr.O and Otto, you guy's are next!" -grins at the both of them- 

Otto: -stutters a bit- "M-Me and D-Dr.O?" -his face started heating up a little bit at the thought of being in a closet with Dr.O- 

Dr.O: -she turned her head to me- "Did someone call for a doctor?" 

Me: "You and Otto are next to play 7 minutes in heaven." 

Otto: -turns to me- "She doesn't have to do it, if she doesn't want to-" -gets cut off by Dr.O- 

Dr.O: "I appreciate your concern for me, Otto, but I have been called to do this, so I will do it." -she seriously walked into the closet- 

Me: -smirks at Otto- "You can't get out of this, Otto," 

Otto: -sighs and walks into the closet and looks at Dr.O once he closed the door- 

Dr.O: "So how are you, Otto? I have to spoken to you in awhile.." -she said looking at Otto- 

Otto: -smiles- "I'm good, Dr.O, you?" -he didn't notice that his cheeks were starting to heat up since he and Dr.O were close to each other. He noticed that Dr.O seemed to be in some trance because she wasn't responding- "You good, Dr.O?" 

Dr.O: -snaps out of her trance like phase and looks at Otto- "I'm a doctor, of course I'm good!" 

Otto: -puts his hands up but smiles- "Okay, Okay, just asking. Why did you just zone out like that?" 

Dr.O: "I wasn't zoned out, I was trying to think of what sickness you could possibly have to cause your red cheeks." -she said noticing that Otto's cheeks were red- 

Otto: -he blushed even more after Dr.O said that since he realized that she noticed his red cheeks- "I-i'm not sick.." -he said-

Dr.O: -looks at him confused but then understands- "Oh now I get it, you are right about not being sick but you have facial redness also know as blushing, right? Oh of course I'm right! I'm a doctor!" -she said smiling slightly- "But why are you blushing? From what I know, people blush when feeling embarrassed or shy, which you are not probably feeling now, definitely not shy so what else could it be?" -she placed her hand on her chin and tried to think and smiled when she got the answer-."Oh! It could be that your feeling attracted to someone!" -she then realized that, that someone was her- "Wait..."

Otto: -he laughed nervously- "What?" -he asked- 

Dr.O: "Otto...is that someone, me?" -she asked wondering if it was her- 

Otto: -sighs knowing that there was no point in lying- "Yes...I like you, Dr.O, a lot." -he said looking at her then back at the floor- 

Dr.O: -she thought about it then smiled- "Oh...well I must say that the feeling is mutual, I like you too, Otto, a lot." 

Otto: -he got so happy that he had a huge smile on his face as he looked up at Dr.O, but his smile fell slightly as he thought what if she thought he meant it in a friend way- "I mean, I like you like, like-like you," 

Dr.O: -she smiled again- "I knew what you meant, I like-like you too, although I don't understand why people say the word twice," -she shook her head slightly then looked back at Otto- "is it alright if I do something?" -she asked- 

Otto: -he nods slightly, wondering what she was going to do- "Uh..yes?" 

Dr.O: -she placed her hand on Otto's shoulder then leaned in and kissed him- 

Otto: -he had a goofy smile plastered on his face as she pulled away and she also did I it right on time because seven minutes was over- 

Me: -opens the door to see Otto smiling like crazy and Dr.O smiling some as well-

Dr.O: "What's next?!" -she said walking out of the closet- 

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